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Iga's thread of playing seven games at once!! It is done!
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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 03:00:20
Super Official Police Recreation of the Crime Scene:

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 03:01:09
^ This reminds me...

...any of you guys watch that show CSI...?
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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 03:11:15

phantom_leo said:
^ This reminds me...

...any of you guys watch that show CSI...?

 Never heard of it.

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 05:12:28
SteelAttack said:

phantom_leo said:
I like Walter best he makes me laugh lots!

...and the part with Spock in the last episode made me kinda confused!?

What do you guys think?

*I'm SO glad someone made this Fringe topic!*

I haven't watched the last episode! LOL Here in Mexico the series started a couple months ago, it'll run until september or so. I already knew that Nimoy bit, though.

How can people say she's ugly? <3 <3 <3

 She's ugly.

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 10:17:34

phantom_leo said:
I like Walter best he makes me laugh lots!

...and the part with Spock in the last episode made me kinda confused!?

What do you guys think?

*I'm SO glad someone made this Fringe topic!*

Why confused? It's the other parellel universe.

phantom_leo said:
^ This reminds me...

...any of you guys watch that show CSI...?

I used to watch Vegas religiously until they started doing all these spin offs. I couldn't keep up, so gave up.

Foolz said:
SteelAttack said:

phantom_leo said:
I like Walter best he makes me laugh lots!

...and the part with Spock in the last episode made me kinda confused!?

What do you guys think?

*I'm SO glad someone made this Fringe topic!*

I haven't watched the last episode! LOL Here in Mexico the series started a couple months ago, it'll run until september or so. I already knew that Nimoy bit, though.

How can people say she's ugly? <3 <3 <3

She's ugly.

You must be from the parellel universe where up is down.

Without all the make up and lighting though, you can see the crinkles Nyaa

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 11:37:52

gamingeek said:

phantom_leo said:
I like Walter best he makes me laugh lots!

...and the part with Spock in the last episode made me kinda confused!?

What do you guys think?

*I'm SO glad someone made this Fringe topic!*

Why confused? It's the other parellel universe.

phantom_leo said:
^ This reminds me...

...any of you guys watch that show CSI...?

I used to watch Vegas religiously until they started doing all these spin offs. I couldn't keep up, so gave up.

Foolz said:
SteelAttack said:

phantom_leo said:
I like Walter best he makes me laugh lots!

...and the part with Spock in the last episode made me kinda confused!?

What do you guys think?

*I'm SO glad someone made this Fringe topic!*

I haven't watched the last episode! LOL Here in Mexico the series started a couple months ago, it'll run until september or so. I already knew that Nimoy bit, though.

How can people say she's ugly? <3 <3 <3

She's ugly.

You must be from the parellel universe where up is down.

Without all the make up and lighting though, you can see the crinkles Nyaa

 Yup, Australia.

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 15:14:56
So your penis is erect at all times and goes down when you have sex?
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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 23:59:41

Okay back on-topic!

Played some more Konami.. ehh I mean Okami!

Explored Taka pass and fed all the animals, they even have tigers and shit. Played with some stupid moles and found a sparrow city.

Yeah you heard it right a city run by sparrows. Their leader is a fat sparrow with one eye and even a n eyepatch. They refused to let me in, because the princess has been kidnapped. Okay so I guess I will have to save the bird too. Explored some more of Taka and I restored the river and fed some more animals. Okay time to go to Kuso village.

Ohh fuck my powers are gone. Fighting muster without weapons and paintbrush is annoying. However seeing a wolf doing a flying kick never gets old. Okay explored the village, saved the priestress from a curse then I explored the village some more. Found some idiotic dogs. Okay screw that better lift the curse on to the second dungeon. Oh nice I can't enter it.

So I go back to the priestress and she says I need to find a 9 dogs and 5 are here in the village. You gotta be kidding me, a fetch quest already! It's just the second dungeon, for Gods sake! Well finding the 5 should not be a big problem. So after so time I found 4 and the last one was waiting in nearby the priestress. Okay the mutt wants to fight. Man these encouters like Waka and this dog are way more difficult than the first boss. But not that hard though. I beat him.

So what's next? Oh the other four could not make it, so the Priestress gives their location. Wow they are all over the place, the fetch quest get more insane. Okay the first is close by. Okay I am moving toward it, but wait! It just behind the sparrow gate. Which is closed until the princess is back. Okay so I catched that the crazy old bat has a birdcage build, but she has no pets. Surely to capture a sparrow? So we get there and Issun babbles about a moon. Oh that's just rich I need to get a moon rising spel. Jesus!

So I guess I need to go to the next dog location. This one is in Agata Forrest. Oh look at this the boy has lost his dog. But wait the tells something about a woman visiting the hotspring and a fish that ate the moon. So I guess it's the hotspring then. Hey look it's the Sake woman from Kamiki village. Wait she needs to make super sake and she needs Susanoo for that. Oh I saw him sleeping in Kuso village. Okay let's go, but guess what he is not there. He went to fight some monsters or something.

What the hell, did just happen? So I need a dog, for that I need to save a princess, for that I need to learn to draw a moon, for that I need to catch some fish, for that I need to help Sake lady, for that I need to find Susanoo. Jesus christ all that to enter the second dungeon. The SECOND!!!! 

So where the hell is Susanoo, not in the Second dungeon, so I guess I need to go back to the first field. Okay wait what this? Oh FUCK, my batteries are empty. Perfect, just perfect. 

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Thu, 09 Jul 2009 01:38:15
I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.
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Thu, 09 Jul 2009 05:36:15

SteelAttack said:
So your penis is erect at all times and goes down when you have sex?


Yes. Blood clots are the number one course of life here.

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Thu, 09 Jul 2009 10:33:42

Dvader said:
I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.

I dont think so but I haven't completed it yet.

I just finished Oni Island. How much further do I have Beaver?

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Thu, 09 Jul 2009 14:18:44

Dvader said:
I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.

No he's not even close yet truth be told. He's about halfway to the halfway point.

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Thu, 09 Jul 2009 14:39:40

robio said:

Dvader said:
I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.

No he's not even close yet truth be told. He's about halfway to the halfway point.

Just say a quarter. Nyaa

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Fri, 10 Jul 2009 19:11:50

Okay I played some more. I went back to Kamiki village, but first I explored Shinsui field a bit more and found the last wanted ghost. I gave some statue a vase for praise. Then I went to Hana valley to make some tree's bloom. Then I finally went to Kamiki. I found a dog there and had to fight him. He was easy. I looked for Susano, but he was nowhere to be found. I guess he is gone then! Okay.

Back to Agatha Forrest. Let's go to the fortune teller. Hey she mentions the bird. Hmm maybe I should visit the old couple again. No nothing to find here. Again something about the moon. Hmm, wait could I not just wait until it's dark?! Yeah that could work! So I go outside, wait the sky is red. Dammit, even if it is dark the sky would still be red. I need to draw the moon there. 

So back to Agatha Forrest. No sign of the dog, maybe doodling the murky water will help?! Nope! How about drawing a moon?! Nothing. Okay to the sake lady. So the bucket is empty! Maybe drawing water would help?! Nope. How about drawing a line from water to bucket?! Nope. Oh I have an idea. I draw a line from one of those vine flowers to the bucket. This will pull the bucket in the spring. And again nothing! Fuck I am truly stuck. Damn! Fuck I must see gamesfaq.

*looks at gamefaq and reads the following sentence.

Go to the old couple house. Wait until it's night and then drag the old lady in the moonlight!


Okay this is a Zelda game. Over complicating a simple thing that makes you utterly stuck!

Now if you excuse me, I have a old lady to drag in the moonlight!

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Fri, 10 Jul 2009 20:57:44
Are you going to beat her once she's in the moonlight?

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Fri, 10 Jul 2009 21:14:50
That's why I shun zelda games.
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Sat, 11 Jul 2009 13:56:33

SteelAttack said:
That's why I shun zelda games.

And I always thought it was because you were a tool. Nyaa

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Sat, 11 Jul 2009 20:26:05

Okay I played much more of Okami. I did two dungeons, Windmill and moon cave. The Windmill was again a very simple dungeon with simple puzzles. The Moon Cave had perhaps the first notable puzzle in the game. You had to slash four pillars with a single strike to open a door. It was also the first dungeon that I had to check my dungeon map. And it's also the first dungeon that is harder than the Deku Tree. 

Seriously no dungeon here is as complex as the Forrest Temple in Twilight Princess. And that's the first dungeon in TP. I played a few minigames already and they were all meh. The digging minigame is boring. I don't like the battles either. I found Ammy to control sluggishly. A Zelda like lock-on would really help in this game. And fighting enemies in enclosed arena's is also annoying. I often avoid battles because they slow down the pace. Something I would not do as often in Zelda, where I would trample the enemies with Epona! The boss battles are also not that fun.

But enough of the complaining. I really like the overworld of this game.Now I reached Sei-an city. I have the double jump and I will buy the new digging move soon. I think I will go try to get to the sunken ship and then explore Sei-an. Oh and I can pee on enemies and I saw SteelAttack. He was nude!

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Sat, 11 Jul 2009 22:22:55
The double jump. I cant remember why but this was a painful gamefaqs sticking point and I cant remember why. 

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Tue, 14 Jul 2009 22:55:53

Okay played a lot more Okami!

I did two dungeons. The sunken ship and the one you are shrunk down thanks to the hammer. The ship had an actual puzzle and the mini dungeon was more platform oriented. Both were nice. Beat the boss blight and helped a lady find her spaceship, for a Majora's Mask like moment. 

I will need to collect some demon fangs quickly, the emperor has some nice stuff. One can help you teleport from origin save mirrors. Another one quickly replenish your ink! Also in the last few dungeons the enemy variety has increased dramatically. Before it was just Ogres.

Then I visited the Queen. Meh the priestress is hotter, she has greater "assets". She told me about Oni island. So I guess I will get to where GG is soon enough! The last part was really fun, hope it keeps up!

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