Forum > Gaming Discussion > Mario 3DS thread of Iwata dropping a bomb all over our face!
Mario 3DS thread of Iwata dropping a bomb all over our face!
Well I said that with side scrolling. Depth perception will just make that look fancier, it won't change the gameplay.
Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:56:08
Well it will be easier to judge when a object goes from the background to the foreground. Stuff like rolling rocks in DKCR already do this in 2D, so in 3D it would be easier to judge.
Just in case those thumb downers didn't realise that thumbing down a post makes it invisible for the thumber:
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Don't forget 3D 2D!
Oh this is going to get confusing. The next Nintendo console must have a holographic display that can render 3D in thin air. That is the only solution.