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Minecraft 360
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Tue, 15 May 2012 01:36:26
travo said:

Turns out I went another direction.

Straight up!


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Tue, 15 May 2012 01:39:38

Is it me or do the steps kind of look like...veins? Nyaa

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Tue, 15 May 2012 01:47:30

Shouldn't I be the one building massive monuments to Penii?

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Tue, 15 May 2012 02:31:07
If you leave the seed space blank it'll just randomize your world. I think I read somewhere that it uses a numeric formula where each corresponding number does something in the world generator. It'll convert letters to numbers and is case sensitive. I used "The Legend of Zelda" as my seed. It looks pretty good with lots of mountains and trees, I don't know if it looks Zelday though. I want to try a whole bunch of different seed words and phrases.


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Tue, 15 May 2012 04:35:41
Oh yeah you can use the same seed as someone else if you want to get the same world as them.


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Fri, 18 May 2012 00:43:00

What was once this:

Has now become this:

To put that into scale, The first castle was the size of ONE floor of this new tower! If you notice, you'll see the entire structure built into the base of the new tower!

This ONE tower will be part of a bigger, four tower complex, which you can see the foundations for here:

...Here is Ghost, chilling on my bed in the tower. He is depressed because I scolded him for bringing a Creeper into the tower and blowing a hole in the floor. BAD DOGGIE!

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Fri, 18 May 2012 00:52:34

That is awesome

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Fri, 18 May 2012 01:12:19
I'm gonna have to start another seed.  I can't find any type of flint, coal or lava to start a fire for my torch. Sad. I can't defend my poor tower from Creepers.
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Fri, 18 May 2012 01:51:42

Burning wood in your furnace makes charcoal which can also be used for torches!

You don't have to light torches. Once you make them and place them, they light!

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Fri, 18 May 2012 01:53:57

Tip for pet owners:  If you are going to get one, you might as well get two so the one won't be lonely!

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Fri, 18 May 2012 02:42:39

It works IRL too.

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Fri, 18 May 2012 10:31:55
I have no furnace because I can't find enough material to build one.
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Fri, 18 May 2012 10:37:11

Explore. If you look hard enough, I believe every world has all of it's core components somewhere. I've even found greenery, flowers, mushroom, birch trees and *squee!* WOLVES in my snowy wasteland.

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Sun, 20 May 2012 11:52:24
I started a new seed: cats.  It has lots of trees, gravel, stone and a large cliff with a lava waterfall! Yay!  I am so putting a castle on top and a batcave near the lagoon down below.

BTW, do you guys know who creepers are afraid of?
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Tue, 22 May 2012 00:24:22

A photographer I met on Friday introduced me to the concept of Mine Shafting. I thanked him by introducing him to My Shaft.  Nyaa

He got his reward on Friday. Today, I was rewarded with a crap ton of Red Stone Ore and Dust, lots of Iron and even a few Diamonds!

I checked all of your progress too today. C'mon slackers! I was away all weekend and I'm still leaps and bounds ahead of you for traveling, mining, building and killing creatures!! Has the intrigue worn off already?!

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Tue, 22 May 2012 03:03:30
I so want you to check out my town.  So far, it's a beer and ale shop, market and Inn( No beds yet).  I'm also constructing a tower on top of of a very tall cliff, but have put that part to the side for the moment until my town becomes more evolved.
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Tue, 22 May 2012 03:04:35
BTW, my new area is called "Casterly.". I know, original, right?
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Tue, 22 May 2012 12:28:03

I was told how much of the game we are missing on 360 over the weekend. Apparently, the PC has adventure mode where you can build an Enchanting Table where you can enchant weapons and armor. There are experience points and you must eat. There's also an End Boss! There are some new monsters, you can encounter villages with villagers, and a bunch of other items like hanging vines, etc... Can't wait for that to go live!

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Tue, 22 May 2012 14:56:54

I built a portal to the nether regions (no, not those), it was awesome to find netherracks which burn forever and also those small shining things that you can use to make light blocks. It's an ugly, dark place and I don't want to be back there unless I need to find more building stuff.

Started construction of an ambitious project, I will share pics of it once it starts to take shape.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 14:59:47

I'm also intrigued by what will come with the first update, if I recall correctly, it seems Mojang has leeway for 3 free updates, so I'd say they'll try to make them as beefy as possible.

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