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Portal Kombat!!!
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Tue, 19 Apr 2011 21:20:01

Lets just make one thread for both games. My impressions on MK are in the news section so read it there.

I started Portal 2 and the writing is as good as ever. You are introduced to a new character, a small robot with an english accent and he is HILARIOUS. It reminded me of Homer I guess cause of the way it talks. The game starts off very slow as you are forced to go through the motions of learning the basics of portal. It moves by quicker than Portal 1 of course but its boring. Luckily the dialogue is so fantastic that you will be laughing while you do the simple puzzles. After an hour I finally got a full portal gun and the game really started. So far I have seen two new gameplay mechanics which seem interesting but have not been used in any devious ways yet. I am cruising through the game which is fine cause the first two chapters shouldnt be that hard. I can't wait for the mindbending gameplay to begin.

I must comment on the graphics, its a beautiful game with some excellent animation which makes the world feel alive. The first game was always in very simplistic rooms, here there are objects moving or falling apart in every room, its impressive.

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Tue, 19 Apr 2011 21:22:38

Oops forgot to mention how annoying the loading in Portal is. Every single small room is followed by a load screen. Can they not generate two rooms at one time, is that so hard.

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Tue, 19 Apr 2011 23:33:33

MK was never for me.  I really don't care for fighting games.  Not that I wouldn't give it a shot later.

I still need to complete the first Portal.  I quit on the Orange Box after a bit.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 03:47:53

I cannot get excited for Mortal Kombat even though I loved the old ones.

I'm not excited for Portal 2 at all, either, even though I loved the first one. Sorry, but it's made by Valve, so I can't help but expect it to be mediocre at best.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 05:03:47
Excellent impressions. I can't wait to pick these both up in the very near future.


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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 06:40:36

Seeing as I'm legally not allowed to talk about Mortal Kombat (YET!), I guess I should talk about Portal.

Mostly, it's pretty identical to the first game. Granted, I've played only a couple of hours so far, but I'm just not feeling it so far. Granted, the writing is great and the voice acting terrific...but it's just not grabbing me.

Need to try more of the co-op stuff, played a bit last night and quite liked. Also need to try co-oping with the PS3 peoples.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 07:22:51

Yeah Homer, it does feel a lot like the first game. There are a lot of cool new mechanics and stuff but so far nothing that doesnt take less than a minute to figure out. Also the constant loading from room to room doesn't allow the game to get a flow going. Its fun, its funny, its still portal but it isnt this incredible acheievement that is so much better than the first. Its still takes place in test rooms so all you do is solve a puzzle and move to the next room. This portal thing wont reach its full potential until HL3 uses it. Then you can start mixing gravity gun with portals for some crazy shit.

MK has me more hooked right now.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:01:57

Does Johnny Cage still do that leg splits punch to the groin?

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:12:31

It's really more of a massage to the groin rather than a punch.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:01:37
gamingeek said:

Does Johnny Cage still do that leg splits punch to the groin?

Of course he does, every character has their old moves.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 18:38:30
Portal 2 got real awesome really quick. This is the most well written game I have ever played, I am laughing more during this game than I have for any movie in a long time. I went through a stretch of almost no real puzzles for like 30 minutes but it was story heavy and I enjoyed that part the most.
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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 18:47:56
Dvader said:

Of course he does, every character has their old moves.

Has the groin punch been enhanced in any way? Is there a Patrick Swayze style throat rip, only on the balls?

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 19:09:37

Vader, how long is Portal 2? The Metacritic reviews were pretty harsh regarding the length, but some other websites said it was much longer. Just trying to decide if this is something to try and rent or worth holding off for a while and then buying.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 19:38:24

Is Mortal Kombat still very simplistic like the originals? Like every guy having the exact same basic moves (low side kick, high side kick, roundhouse kick, sweep, high punch, low punch, etc,)

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 19:42:07

It's not that basic, but it's not a big step away. If you download the demo you can see the move lists for everyone, and it doesn't take long to figure everyone out. Could be different in the retail version mind you, but that's what I got from the 4 characters I played.

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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:58:52
There are a few basic moves everyone shares but after that everyone feels different. By far the deepest and most balanced MK game ever.
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Wed, 20 Apr 2011 22:00:31
robio said:

Vader, how long is Portal 2? The Metacritic reviews were pretty harsh regarding the length, but some other websites said it was much longer. Just trying to decide if this is something to try and rent or worth holding off for a while and then buying.

I have played about 3 hours and I seem to have much more to do. It's already longer than the first game.
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Thu, 21 Apr 2011 00:53:33

I was just going to ask where is Leo, there he is.

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Thu, 21 Apr 2011 00:59:56

Yeah. I've been reading the topic sporadically; I agree MK is probably the best one yet, but haven't been able to spend much time with it at all!

Haven't popped in Portal 2 yet either!

Super Under-the-Weather, Exhausted these last few days... can't shake whatever it is I have...!


I did have the game night with my old, best friend last night. I will post about that sometime soon!

Edited: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 01:00:38
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Thu, 21 Apr 2011 01:42:31

If anyone wants to get it out of their system PLEASE spoil the ending of Portal 2.  You can PM me.

I'll never buy it, but after listening to the giantbombcast my interest is piqued in .... well I'm not even going to say anything because from the very little they said I have some guesses.

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