Dvader said:
So yeah I am having a lot of fun with it. Did the demo impress me anywhere near as much as RE4 did way back, of course not. I dont feel like this game will be better than RE4but I am much more at peace with the co-op aspect to the game, its not going to be a pain in single player.
You see I wouldn't have minded a direct sequel to RE4 but with a more RE-style theme, it just feels like this will be RE4 in the sun, I'm sure it will be a great game, but probably not a worthy successor.
SteelAttack said:We need to talk more about this demo on the next podcast.
That we do.
Since the NPD numbers will more than likely be out, we'll have Vader on to talk about them.
Nice impressions D.
Chris takes up more of the screen? Damn gym junkie.
darthhomer said:SteelAttack said:We need to talk more about this demo on the next podcast.That we do.
Since the NPD numbers will more than likely be out, we'll have Vader on to talk about them.
Then we'll need TWO podcasts. One for Vader-NPD and the other for games.
SteelAttack said:El Gigante Hobo.
He's been living on the streets since Leon beat him. Or maybe Capcom are trying to comment on the poverty in Africa?
gamingeek said:SteelAttack said:El Gigante Hobo.
He's been living on the streets since Leon beat him. Or maybe Capcom are trying to comment on the poverty in Africa?
Ravenprose said:El Gigante looks stupid, and completely out of place in RE5. Can't they think of anything new?
There is so much borrowing from RE4 in this game. All the enemies so far are just new skins of RE4 enemies. At least El Gigante fight will be nothing like the one in RE4.
Ok I now LOVE THIS DEMO!!!! I cant stop playing, I have put in about 7 hours, beaten it countless times. The more I play the more new stuff I see, like I never knew there was a perfect sniper spot on the third floor of the building in Public Assembly. There are so many different ways to approach these levels. Since everything is so fast paced it took me forever to really explore, to start to find some of cool design choices about the level.
Above all I am so pleased with the computer AI, all my fears are gone. Sheeva is one of the best partner AIs I have ever played with, especially in a game this hectic, its amazing how well she stays with you and aids at all times. As long as you keep her in cover mode (if you put her in attack mode she goes insane, dont do it) she is basically an extention of your character. If you move she will move, if you need help she will be right there with you. She will shoot when you shoot, run when you run. She wont pick up every item and when she picks up an item only you can use she will give it to you. When you do the split up section she does her job perfectly. I am amazed at how good this AI is. The big question is still boss fights, I wonder how she will handle in those but so far so good.
Online play is fantastic. I have had lag (and plenty of weird glitches that they better fix before release), sometimes hits register a second after you shoot. The lag has never been so horrible that its unplayable, it manages it ok. I have been lucky enough to play with some solid players, its always fun to play with random people cause you never know what you will get, what strategies you will end up using. The last game I played was with a guy that was on my level, it was a thing of beauty, we DESTROYED everything, I dont even think we used health, we didn't even have headsets on we just knew what to do.
I have started to come up with new ways to play the demo, here are some of the games I have come up with:
Stay in the house - In public assembly stay inside the house you start off in the entire time. You may not step outside the house, not even to get ammo (though sheeva may run out there, cant do anything about that). At some point I found that nothing happend, like all enemies were dead and the helicopter guy was not coming, if that happens then go outside to end the demo.
Stay on the bus - Public Assembly again, as soon as axe dude knocks down the gate make your way on top of the bus, stay there the whole time. Its a lot easier than you think.
Helpless Sheeva - Take all weapons away from Sheeva (to get rid of her pistol discard yours and then take hers). Play the level and make sure to take any weapons she picks up. I have done it when she was in cover mode, I should try this but with her in attack mode.
Knife only - I only did this in Public Assembly cause there is no way I am going to kill chainsaw guy with just a knife. In this mode discard all your weapons and all Sheeva's weapons. You may only use the knife, survive until the end.
No help chainsaw guy - This one is simple, blow up all barrells and the transformer before the chainsaw guy comes out. You need to beat him without using any environmental help.
As I played I also noticed all sorts of things like:
- Hidden medal you can shoot, when you shoot it the medal goes into Chris and Sheeva's inventory like gold does. (I'm not telling you where, you find it)
- The flying plagas seem to not be able to reach the house you come across before you spawn them, run back into that house and it looks like they get stuck in an invisible wall.
- You can use the entire level to fight chainsaw guy, I dont know why I didn't think of it till just recently. Put sheeva back up on that raised area and she can easily shoot chainsaw guy without having to fear him.
- There are tons of melee moves, each character has an instant kill when they are behind an enemy that fell to their knees, Chris does a neckbreak and Sheeva does a throat slash.
- You map shows the location of the mini bosses
- Press in both triggers and your character does a taunt
- Always heal both partners it gives you the same health and it heals both characters
- Sheeva seems to push the bookcase slower than Chris, a nice touch.
Game is going to be fantastic.
darthhomer said:I personally love how it took Vader over 20 hours to change his opinion on the game. That's awesome.
Its the type of game where the more you play the more you see new things, new strategies. Its still not going to be RE4 but I have no worries that it wont be at least one of the best games of the year.
This is why I love demos, it gives you a chance to get to know the game. If I had bought the game and never played it before, I would be having the same reaction I did at first, instead of enjoying the beginning part of the game I would have been complaining about how things feel different. Now I am at peace with how this game is, so I am ready to fully enjoy the game.
gamingeek said:
Is that Sam L. Jackson?
edgecrusher said:
The partner AI actually turned out just fine. Sheeva has never died on me, she has helped me out many times, she basically sticks with me so she does what I do. Its like an extention of me, I am very happy with the way she is handled. Wonder how it will be in boss fights but here its great.
My thing with the demo is that something feels off when you shoot someone, its as if the bullets don't feel they are hitting. A shotgun blast to the head wont blow it up anymore. Just regular bullets don't seem to have the same oomph as RE4. Also the demo is a bit chaotic, it seems like the enemies just come from anywhere, like endless spawn points.
In RE4 the enemy placement was very specific. Compare the first village with this area and the RE5 area seems sloopy in comparison. The design is not as refined as the village area, the village had better beats to the action, it felt like it progressed well, here its just carnage. The village itself was designed beautifully with many places to hide or use to get between you and the enemies, here its more like a square arena with all sorts of stuff that explode.
My favorite part of the demo was Shanty Town, that at least progressed well, loved the partner split with one covering and the other in the building. Chainsaw guy takes a hell of a lot more hits but he is slow with that attack, really slow.
Real time inventory switching took a while to get used to. At first I just grabbed as much as I can and didn't have time to look at what was in my inventory. Now I can manage to get to a spot in the area where I can quickly adjust my inventory, its simple but it works.
I noticed that the camera was a bit different, I feel like Chris maybe takes up more of the screen, I think that adds to that weird feeling of something being off. I like the different melee attacks, I even saw some special ones like I did a neckbreak with Chris.
I have played co-op with some friends and yeah its a blast. Its a really fun game to play with another player, that will probably be the shining grace for many people.
So yeah I am having a lot of fun with it. Did the demo impress me anywhere near as much as RE4 did way back, of course not. I dont feel like this game will be better than RE4but I am much more at peace with the co-op aspect to the game, its not going to be a pain in single player.