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Resident Evil 5 (360/PS3) GG Revival - 360 freezes - nerd rage commences
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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 17:44:14

Iga_Bobovic said:
When I saw that skirt wearing African with spear and shield, my thoughts were. Wow, so they just reskinned the monk with shield and mace, how original !! Did not see any racism in it.

Good point, not original. I'm listening to the podcast now and it sounds like they are re-using enemies alot.

You posted that bizaare Dutch Golliwog group at Christmas, so I'm not suprised you're not seeing it though. Nyaa

There are certain situations that brings back historical racist imagery. Remember the Tin Tin fiasco that saw the books removed from stores?



I'm not saying its intentionally racist, or even condemning the game myself. I'm just saying that I can see why some people are feeling uncomforatable and that Capcom are really WTF on some stuff they are doing. Anyone with sense could have said: better change that a little. And they did, to an extent, they made Africa a blessed place of multiculturalism with Sadamn lookalikes on every street corner. LOL

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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 18:07:36
If the thing wasn't going to balloon to hell other than in forums and message boards we are alright. I can live with that. But we know the kind of attention this thing will get from mainstream media. This is begging for an intensive campaign on Fox News and with a handful of blind ass senators lighting the torches.
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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 18:19:16

SteelAttack said:
If the thing wasn't going to balloon to hell other than in forums and message boards we are alright. I can live with that. But we know the kind of attention this thing will get from mainstream media. This is begging for an intensive campaign on Fox News and with a handful of blind ass senators lighting the torches.

Yeah that's a big part of the problem. Gamers will shrug or wince but some f-ing news channel will run it for a week like the news over here showed the Resistance Manchester church thing non-stop. Look at this BBC news video. "It's sick and sacriligeous, a scene of mass murder"

Problem is, one news network picks up on RE5, everyone else does, it repeats 4 times a day for a couple of weeks. Gaming's image is back in the toilet.

Edited: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 19:58:08

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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 21:16:16

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:
If the thing wasn't going to balloon to hell other than in forums and message boards we are alright. I can live with that. But we know the kind of attention this thing will get from mainstream media. This is begging for an intensive campaign on Fox News and with a handful of blind ass senators lighting the torches.

Yeah that's a big part of the problem. Gamers will shrug or wince but some f-ing news channel will run it for a week like the news over here showed the Resistance Manchester church thing non-stop. Look at this BBC news video. "It's sick and sacriligeous, a scene of mass murder"

Problem is, one news network picks up on RE5, everyone else does, it repeats 4 times a day for a couple of weeks. Gaming's image is back in the toilet.

 And RE5 will probably sell billions because of it and politicians will cry. A win-win situation. 

The VG Press
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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 21:51:33

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:
When I saw that skirt wearing African with spear and shield, my thoughts were. Wow, so they just reskinned the monk with shield and mace, how original !! Did not see any racism in it.

Good point, not original. I'm listening to the podcast now and it sounds like they are re-using enemies alot.

You posted that bizaare Dutch Golliwog group at Christmas, so I'm not suprised you're not seeing it though. Nyaa

 Yes, can't help it I was raised in a country were the pussyness is lower than some, or that I am from an ethnic group that does not give a shit about people's feeling.

gamingeek said:

I'm not saying its intentionally racist, or even condemning the game myself. I'm just saying that I can see why some people are feeling uncomforatable

 People who are feeling uncomfortable playing it, should return it and play something else. No one is forcing them to play it!

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 00:45:59

I think Capcom made a mistake bowing to the retarded racism pressure. They basically admit that there's some kind of problem doing that, and it goes to show how stupid the whole race-card thing has become.

I also think it was incredibly retarded to have a bunch of africans dragging away a blonde chick though....what are they thinking?! That's just asking for trouble.

Personally though, I'm sick and tired of the fucking race-card thing anytime something even remotely risky or negative has blacks involved. Its so played out and you just KNOW its coming 99% of the time. Where I live I see all the time blacks constantly using the race-card thing to get their way, and it pisses me off. They don't realise they're just making themselves and all the actual cool black people I know look like asses.

Then of course you have the white people who go out of their way to "stick up" for black people more than they do their own people, and I think its mostly that group that started to make a big deal about RE5. Just keep feeding the fire everybody.

As for the actual real comments on the game itself from that writeup, yeah I pretty much feel the same way about it. For what it is, its pretty entertaining no doubt. But it just doesn't even feel like RE at all man. If Mikami was involved in this game I honestly think he would have pulled one of his famous DO-OVERS just because of the lack of RE atmosphere, and because of how jittery that chick is controlled by the A.I.

It pull you out of the immersive-ness of the game when the girl is constantly making akward,, unnatural movements and decisions.

It really does feel like a game with co-op as its main design choice. The single-player feels unfortunately held back by it. And sadly, this will be another case of people going "see look how much better ONLINE made the asshole online only seems to have made it better because that's how it was made. The Single-player was HURT by the design like so many other shooters.


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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 01:49:26

Im not even going to waste my time on the race thing.

Edge you really have a problem with the AI, does she die on you? she has died on me once and that was the first day, since then I noticed she is you, she does everything you do. Pretend she is not there if you have to.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 02:02:53

Just got done talking to my brother about the game.

Just to let you know what kind of gamer he is, my brother is what used to be considered a "casual gamer" You know, the Playstation style casual gamer.....the kind that likes hardcore games that look cool and have good production values. He doesn't finish many games...just likes to check them out and experience the atmosphere.

Anyway, back when RE4 came out he was blown away by it. He's always liked RE anyway, but RE4 really impressed him more than he expected. I let him borrow my copy and he played it until like 3am that night I remember. Its also one of the few games he's finished.

Well, even he said RE5 was good, but that he was expecting more. His main complaints were about the girl getting in the way, not feeling like she was needed, and also that characters move kind of weird when you shoot at them...and he also thought it was lame that everything seems to be a new version of what happened in RE4, like the chainsaw scene and the helicopter scene.

He also wasn't that impressed with the graphics. I said' yeah its kind of bland huh?' and he reply was 'I don't know, its just nothing really sticks out. I was way more impressed with that game you showed me the other day (Crisis....haha)'.

So yeah, another person not all that impressed. There seems to be a LOT of people feeling kind of "Meh" on RE5.


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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 02:41:40
You know, from all my complaints about the iffy design choices on RE5, Sheva's AI is not one of them. She saved my ass a lot of times, and never got in the way.
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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 03:44:09

Loads of updates (MINOR SPOILERS!!!!!!)

Gamespot preview :

Altogether, there seems to be a good variety to the action in Resident Evil 5. Veterans of the series won't be feeling too much deja vu, because the new setting and often startling new takes on the zombie tropes make the game feel quite different from its predecessors. The co-op strategies of sharing ammo and supplies, healing one another, and working as a close-knit team in the aforementioned scenarios achieve a similar result.


But in our personal experience, the quirky controls weren't much of a hindrance. Once you take a moment to get used to them, you'll likely come to appreciate them for the deliberate nature in which you'll face every minor scuffle. You get a good appreciation for the smaller battles, never feeling like you're just slicing through a huge swath of undead humanity. In other words, you have to look at the zombie hyena who has just cleaved his own head in two to produce a giant, gaping alternate mouth. You wouldn't want to dart past that sort of visual, trust us. You'll get to soak it all up for yourself when Resident Evil 5 is released on March 13.

IGN preview:

Like Resident Evil 4, the bulk of gameplay consists of battling overly-aggressive locals with a one-track mind for murder. Tougher enemies enter the mix as you progress, with old bosses (Captain Chainsaw) making regular appearances and ranged (and explosive) attacks becoming more common. Sure, there are some added headaches such as mutated dogs and bat-like creatures, but in the end many sections of RE5 are much like what is shown in the downloadable demo. What keeps things interesting (and had me up until the wee hours of the morn playing) are the moments that break from the mold and offer something refreshing. The levels are paced so that the standard sequences don't become too common and redundant and the breakout moments aren't so overdone that they lose their glamour.


The first half of Resident Evil 5 revealed a game trending more towards action than bone-chilling horror. While that may disappoint some who want a game that makes them jump out of their seat every five minutes, the rest of us have an action-heavy shooter to enjoy. If each successive chapter adds another couple of great boss battles and the co-op remains consistently fun throughout, then RE5 is going to deliver a worthy follow-up to RE4. We'll know soon enough, as RE5 hits stores on Friday, March 13.

German Review scans and translations:

Image Image Image Image

Here are a few details (minor spoilers included):

- It is all about the Progenitor virus

- Resident Evil 5 changes locations more often than Resident Evil 4 and the pace moves on immensly, especially after the first 10 minutes.

- The game is about 18 hours long.

- There's no location that is as big as the castle area in Resident Evil 4.

- The game is divided in 6 big chapters, each of them again divided into 3-4 areas.

- After the refinery, the game goes more for darkness (pyramids)

- GamePro counted 1 (!!!) real puzzle in Resident Evil 5.

- The emphasis is clearly on Co-Op. When a character is investigating something alone it usually deals with finding a key or moving something. GamePro says that these are the most intriguing situations as you wish your partner would be with you and help you fight the hordes of enemies.

- A few classic enemies are indeed in Resident Evil 5 (like the Licker)

- GamePro found the fights with Wesker very cool. They are absolutely dramatic and stunning.

- The visuals and audio are top notch.

- The PS3 version suffers a few glitches here and there, but they are not heavy.

- Resident Evil is gone, long live Resident Evil.

- They describe the game as an extremely entertaining, quick Tour de France with less horror.

- The overall review score is 93% for both PS3 and Xbox360 versions. Added to the PS3 graphics score was a note that the PS3 version suffers minor issues. GamePro's usual, separate multiplayer score for the game is 10/10.

- After completion of the game graphic filters, unlimited ammo, alternate costumes and an "arcade mode" among other things become available.

-GamePro has made it very clear that this is not Survival Horror, instead labeled it "Terror-Action-Game" or just "Action-Game"

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 03:51:23

SteelAttack said:
You know, from all my complaints about the iffy design choices on RE5, Sheva's AI is not one of them. She saved my ass a lot of times, and never got in the way.

You must suck.


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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 04:52:02
Even if it actually was racist, the last time i checked, most healthy forms of media actually have a wide range of views, not the other way around.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 11:17:59

Iga_Bobovic said:

And RE5 will probably sell billions because of it and politicians will cry. A win-win situation.


edgecrusher said:

And sadly, this will be another case of people going "see look how much better ONLINE made the asshole online only seems to have made it better because that's how it was made. The Single-player was HURT by the design like so many other shooters.

This is going to hurt gamers like me who haven't got their consoles online. I'm going to be hating Sheva just flicking around in my peripheral vision all the time.

SteelAttack said:
You know, from all my complaints about the iffy design choices on RE5, Sheva's AI is not one of them. She saved my ass a lot of times, and never got in the way.

That's the whole point buttwad! People want to succeed on their own merits, not be saved by AI! Nyaa So for people who are crap at the game like the artificial crutch of an AI partner.

Did you guys listen to the podcast about RE5 I linked? It's about chapters 1-3 not a racism fest discussion.

Dvader nice stuff, little worried about the 1 actual puzzle though. I don't think anyone here is going to argue that RE5 is or will be a bad or even average game. Just the whole Ocarina effect I guess. Re4 was the big revamp, the sequel can't match that and it just has too many slight changes and cosmetic changes that it feels slightly off from RE4 on apperance. It looks really good. Not sure how I feel on the whole racism debate though, I know you don't think it holds any water, but there will be a few times when I will feel a bit funny playing it. Wont stop me though.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 11:20:59

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

LOL at the white guys in the background.

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 14:44:16

edgecrusher said:

SteelAttack said:
You know, from all my complaints about the iffy design choices on RE5, Sheva's AI is not one of them. She saved my ass a lot of times, and never got in the way.

You must suck.

LOL Fuck you. Read below.

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

You know, from all my complaints about the iffy design choices on RE5, Sheva's AI is not one of them. She saved my ass a lot of times, and never got in the way.

That's the whole point buttwad! People want to succeed on their own merits, not be saved by AI! Nyaa So for people who are crap at the game like the artificial crutch of an AI partner.

I know, I know, flaccid penis. I was talking specifically about the AI programming, not the design choice of crafting a whole game around the premise of cooperative gameplay.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 15:37:03

SteelAttack said:

I know, I know, flaccid penis. I was talking specifically about the AI programming, not the design choice of crafting a whole game around the premise of cooperative gameplay.

I'm not flacid. I'm hard as rock and it never goes down.

People stare in the street. I can't go near schools.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 16:53:44

Those new shots, holy shit!

GG everything you say is true. Everything Edge said is true except I would argue about the AI, I think its great and very manageble in single player, no worries there for me.

But yeah its RE4, it looks better, its got a few tweaks that make it feel slightly different but you will get used to it. It can't match the level of RE4 just cause of how original RE4 was, and I dont even think RE5 will be as good as a game period, even taking out the original argument. the question is how much do want a new RE4 experience. From what I have played I think there should be no worries that the game will be a big letdown, that the game will be horrible as single player. It will be an extremely high level game just one you've played before.

I am pumped cause I am getting more RE4 and now I know that this co-op decision is not as bad as I thought it would be. Also it seems like these guys will maintain that awesome pacing RE4 had. So the two biggest worries I had seem to be no reason to worry at all. Its going to be a fantastic worthy sequel I feel.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 17:11:17

So how does it compare to Dead Space because that game is very obviously inspired by RE4?

Did you check out the podcast on page 5? It's about the first three chapters which is said to be about half the game. One problem is they said that mostly every moment you could reference from RE4.

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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 21:19:54

Just from playing the demo I like Dead Space more. As a whole game, can't say.

I'm really not that impressed with RE5's graphics. RE4 was stunning AND LOOKED BETTER THAN NEARLY EVERYTHING AT THE TIME. RE5 on the other hand, doesn't stand out, looks kind of boring as I've said, and just kind of looks like everything else...what with the plastic looking characters and shit.

I guess it feels like a soulless imitation to me. Fun yeah, but it doesn't feel all that inspired, especially considering it took them 4 years to just copy RE4. Even without Mikami, I guess after 4 years I expected more. Twilight Princess improved more than RE5 does I think, and felt much more inspired. Most of the changes in that I liked. Not so much here.

BTW, chainsaw man keeps killing that bitch on me. I have no problem running and getting away, yet she keeps getting caught....the few times she's not annoyingly getting in my view she gets caught way the fuck away from me, and I have to try and run over to heal her before chainboy can cut her up. I'm sorry but that's just craptastic.

I don't want to have to ignore her like she's not there, and obviously I can't do that because then she ends up dying and ending my game.


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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 22:09:52

edgecrusher said:

Just from playing the demo I like Dead Space more. As a whole game, can't say.

I'm really not that impressed with RE5's graphics. RE4 was stunning AND LOOKED BETTER THAN NEARLY EVERYTHING AT THE TIME. RE5 on the other hand, doesn't stand out, looks kind of boring as I've said, and just kind of looks like everything else...what with the plastic looking characters and shit.

I guess it feels like a soulless imitation to me. Fun yeah, but it doesn't feel all that inspired, especially considering it took them 4 years to just copy RE4. Even without Mikami, I guess after 4 years I expected more. Twilight Princess improved more than RE5 does I think, and felt much more inspired. Most of the changes in that I liked. Not so much here.

BTW, chainsaw man keeps killing that bitch on me. I have no problem running and getting away, yet she keeps getting caught....the few times she's not annoyingly getting in my view she gets caught way the fuck away from me, and I have to try and run over to heal her before chainboy can cut her up. I'm sorry but that's just craptastic.

I don't want to have to ignore her like she's not there, and obviously I can't do that because then she ends up dying and ending my game.

I know you are being honest, I believe that is happening to you but that never happened to me (not with chainsaw guy, axe guy has killed her), I have died more times than she has. When I run she is right behind me, unless some enemy got a shot in at her I dont get why she wont move with you.

GG i dont know, I am afraid they are going to go over piece by piece what they played, I dont want to hear that. As for everything in the game being taken from RE4, yeah thats my fear too. We see it with the enemies, almost every enemy they have shown has an equivalent from RE4. Other than co-op, this game seems to have no identity of its own.

Oh I didn't answer the Dead Space question. Different styles of game, Dead space is a lot more atmospheric, has more puzzles, hell it feels more like old RE than these new RE games do. But the action is not as good, Dead Space is a fun game to play a few times but it can get tiresome. RE4 is the type of game I can play forever and always have fun. RE5 is like RE4, as long as the full game is like RE4 I have little doubt that I will enjoy RE5 more.

Edited: Fri, 06 Feb 2009 22:15:03
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