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Sonic Colors Official Thread of killing the Sonic Cycle.
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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 21:08:25

The VG Press

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:27:40

Better reviews today. Seems it will hang around the 8 range which is great for a 3D Sonic. There seems to be plenty of people that just don't like the Sonic 3D formula which is fine.

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 04:16:31


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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:26:57
Ravenprose said:

Great visuals, reminds me that we have no F-Zero Sad

Game looks interesting, might have problems controlling something that fast. I like the look of the 2D bits, the 3D bits, not so much.

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 13:25:06

Latest reviews, it all looks good.

I'm scared, hold me.

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 22:10:18

Its out all over the world except the US. Who got it?

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 10:40:04


You expect me, Iga, Bugsie or Agnates to get it?

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 10:41:28

You know, I have to return Black Ops today and I'm running out of Christmas games to get since Halo Reach and Epic Mickey are presents for me and Kirby is released here in March.

I might be tempted on impulse to get this damned Sonic game today.

I wonder.....

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 12:50:09

So how many people do we have getting this game? We already have 3 in North America.  What about the rest of the world?  Hell, I'm just shocked there are 3 people getting. I'm shocked I'm getting it.  Then again, I'm really only throwing down for the sweet hat.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 18:16:19
gamingeek said:

You know, I have to return Black Ops today and I'm running out of Christmas games to get since Halo Reach and Epic Mickey are presents for me and Kirby is released here in March.

I might be tempted on impulse to get this damned Sonic game today.

I wonder.....

I did it. I exchanged the POS Black Ops in for Sonic Colours. I feel all dirty, my skin is crawling as I run my hands over the sinful box.

I feel like I have gone from a rock to a hard place (thanks for that Leo).


This is my first Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2, which was like a decade ago.

So far, the framerate really should be a lot better, 60 FPS like F-Zero really, considering how fast you are moving through the environments.

The bits where you are running into the screen I don't like much, it's the same as Sonic Adventure, you press the stick inwards and have a modicum of control over things. Then when you go into 2D mode, you screech to a halt. Well I do anyhow, because SEGA really needs to drop the godamn idea that you have to run like a c*** in these games and just focus on making a good platformer.

2D bits are good, they zoom the camera out too far for my liking but it plays like a reasonable approximation of the old sonic games on Genesis. Sonic has some new moves -well new to me- he can butt stomp down through descrutible blocks, he can boost really fast (duh). He can bounce off of walls like marios wall jump, slide under obstacles and he has this bizarre laser move where you motion the remote and then use the control stick to move a green line like laser which changes the angle. Sonic turns into the laser and bounces off at the angles shown. Quite why your angle is restricted in the game is beyond my understanding.

Also, I'm using a system with IR, why the hell am I using a control stick to move a laser when I should be pointing and clicking?

The levels are all quite fast to do, like 2 or 3 minutes but there are dozens of them just in the first world. The controls are fairly decent. Still doesn't feel as tight as it did on the old 2D games. Also you can't move the camera at all, so when in racing into the screen mode, if you walk backwards you are walking towards yourself and can't see shit. But there isn't much to go back to anyway and the levels are so quickly done you can easily restart.

The music, when orchestral is great, very reminiscent of Mario Galaxy type music and they seem to have taken the space theme from Galaxy. Unfortunately so far the actual music in the levels is all synth-pop.

The cutscenes are pretty throwaway and, well if you have played any of the 3D sonic games you know what to expect.

So far it's a good Sonic game, but I'm not sure if that translates into a good game as a whole - in general terms. I think as you learn the levels and replay for better times, you will have a better time but that will require memorising the layouts of most levels.

One last thing, the lock on to kill enemies needs to die.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:23:20

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:56:15
gamingeek said:

I did it. I exchanged the POS Black Ops in for Sonic Colours. I feel all dirty, my skin is crawling as I run my hands over the sinful box.

I feel like I have gone from a rock to a hard place (thanks for that Leo).


This is my first Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2, which was like a decade ago.

So far, the framerate really should be a lot better, 60 FPS like F-Zero really, considering how fast you are moving through the environments.

The bits where you are running into the screen I don't like much, it's the same as Sonic Adventure, you press the stick inwards and have a modicum of control over things. Then when you go into 2D mode, you screech to a halt. Well I do anyhow, because SEGA really needs to drop the godamn idea that you have to run like a c*** in these games and just focus on making a good platformer.

2D bits are good, they zoom the camera out too far for my liking but it plays like a reasonable approximation of the old sonic games on Genesis. Sonic has some new moves -well new to me- he can butt stomp down through descrutible blocks, he can boost really fast (duh). He can bounce off of walls like marios wall jump, slide under obstacles and he has this bizarre laser move where you motion the remote and then use the control stick to move a green line like laser which changes the angle. Sonic turns into the laser and bounces off at the angles shown. Quite why your angle is restricted in the game is beyond my understanding.

Also, I'm using a system with IR, why the hell am I using a control stick to move a laser when I should be pointing and clicking?

The levels are all quite fast to do, like 2 or 3 minutes but there are dozens of them just in the first world. The controls are fairly decent. Still doesn't feel as tight as it did on the old 2D games. Also you can't move the camera at all, so when in racing into the screen mode, if you walk backwards you are walking towards yourself and can't see shit. But there isn't much to go back to anyway and the levels are so quickly done you can easily restart.

The music, when orchestral is great, very reminiscent of Mario Galaxy type music and they seem to have taken the space theme from Galaxy. Unfortunately so far the actual music in the levels is all synth-pop.

The cutscenes are pretty throwaway and, well if you have played any of the 3D sonic games you know what to expect.

So far it's a good Sonic game, but I'm not sure if that translates into a good game as a whole - in general terms. I think as you learn the levels and replay for better times, you will have a better time but that will require memorising the layouts of most levels.

One last thing, the lock on to kill enemies needs to die.

Nice impressions, its good to read it from someone that doesn't play many Sonic games. Do you think you will ever do an S run rank on some of the levels. Try it out and see if you like it.

Also with a game so fast how would you handle attacking enemies without lock-on? (Talking about 3D areas)

Edited: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:56:37
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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:05:23
Dvader said:

Nice impressions, its good to read it from someone that doesn't play many Sonic games. Do you think you will ever do an S run rank on some of the levels. Try it out and see if you like it.

Also with a game so fast how would you handle attacking enemies without lock-on? (Talking about 3D areas)

I don't really know what I should be doing to achieve higher ranks. Should I be aiming to do it as fast as possible or should I be searching out all the coins and various powerups on the levels? I think as a game for those who want to get the best out of short arcade style levels, this is pretty excellent. As you can constantly challenge yourself, almost like a racing game to get the best times and stuff.

For the 3D areas I would prefer to use IR to shoot the bastards and I would probably prefer a slower game with more accurate controls and more proper 3D N64 like platformer design.

I just don't get the whole speed thing. Even on Genesis it wasn't a race. Sure you could move fast but its not like you just ran through levels. In 3D, moving into the screen it's like a racing game.

I might try wiimote only controls to see if I get more accuracy with that compared to the nunchuk remote combo.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:07:31

I wouldn't mind if the speed in the 3D games were occasional, Mario Galaxy 2 like interludes with Yoshi and the dash pepper.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:25:18
gamingeek said:

I don't really know what I should be doing to achieve higher ranks. Should I be aiming to do it as fast as possible or should I be searching out all the coins and various powerups on the levels? I think as a game for those who want to get the best out of short arcade style levels, this is pretty excellent. As you can constantly challenge yourself, almost like a racing game to get the best times and stuff.

For the 3D areas I would prefer to use IR to shoot the bastards and I would probably prefer a slower game with more accurate controls and more proper 3D N64 like platformer design.

I just don't get the whole speed thing. Even on Genesis it wasn't a race. Sure you could move fast but its not like you just ran through levels. In 3D, moving into the screen it's like a racing game.

I might try wiimote only controls to see if I get more accuracy with that compared to the nunchuk remote combo.

Exactly the difference between 3D Sonic and Genesis Sonics. Genesis sonics weren't all about speed or speed running, they were great platformers first. 3D Sonic is not so much about platforming as it is speed running much like a racing game. Its different, there aren't any games like Sonic out there.

To get the S ranks you need to find the right combination. Speed is extremely important, always try to find the fastest route. Rings are huge, you must have all your rings at the end, so being flawless is key. Basically you need to do a run where you mix perfect speed with flawless split second avoidance of all enemies and obstacles. Oh and when you can chain enemies.  I have no clue how the wisps fit in to all this but I assume you will need to use them at the right times for the best scores.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:37:09

There are these red stars with a circle around them. Not sure what they do.

Honestly though, these things might be old news to you but the things like wall bouncing and butt stomping and this laser thing, ducking and other things, do mix up the gameplay. I only have one type of wisp which gives me boost power but I hear there are at least 3 others, so those are 3 other different mechanics in play.

It is probably one of the best 3D sonics. I did used to like where they were going with sonic adventure though.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:43:44

Yeah those red tokens are your usual hidden stuff to find in a platformer game. Never try to get them in a speed run just get them when you replay levels.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:44:43

Cool. Will try.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 23:36:26

Good impressions. Thank you sir.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 04:18:46

I feel for you, GG. Sad

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