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The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:08:39

Got the game this morning.

ASK you do have to tweak the settings. It's not like Red Steel 2 or prime 3 where you can just select an advanced default and be good to go.

There are 3 advanced defaults, I picked the highest and then went to the (customize option) tweaked the options and got it feeling pretty great. You have to go into the options and fiddle with things like button presets, ADS options (make the ADS dead zone larger), increase cursor sensitivity to max, up your turn speed. Shrink the bounding box (not ADS).

And learn how to sit in your chair propery so your elbow rests on your knee or thigh, or even a cushion to support your wrist. It sounds complicated but it becomes second nature if you play Wii FPS a lot and gives you a great fluid play system.

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:19:00
ASK_Story said:

DISCLAIMER: Okay, I want to say this before I start this impression. There's no way we can replace our fond memories with Goldeneye 64. I had fond memories of it also, so let's leave it at that.

With that said, I have to admit that Goldeneye Wii has surprised me. Hats off to Eurocom for really taking this game seriously. I can confidently say that this is NOT a cash-in on the Goldeneye name. Eurocom really treated the game with a lot of care. I'm surprised that the game turned out well: awesome voice acting because of Daniel Craig and Judy Dench, some of the best Wii graphics I've seen, and great music.

Agreed. I played up to the end of the facility level and once you get past the opening area which reminds you of the N64, everything is different. This is a whole new design, not some cash in or some attempt to blatantly copy the level design of the N64 game. And importantly it retains the Bond feeling. I think the game out does COD in the single player. I will give more impressions later but it's much better thanks to a few tweaks here and there, AI, weapons etc. Also, crucially, it feels like Goldeneye and you can stealthily creep about and snipe bad guys.

As the controls, as a wii FPS veteren I would say that they aren't as good as The Conduit but do match COD4 REFLEX. Reflex may be slightly better due to the ADS camera lock. There is ADS camera lock in GE but it restricts you to a small rectangle in the middle of the screen.

Bad news though - the analogue nunchuk lean is nowhere near as responsive as the one in MOHH2. And it tilts at far too sharp an angle.

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:21:13

So far, it's explosive fun at times and stealthy justice in other parts. And it's great Grinning

Quite suprised here, it's probably the game Red Steel 1 should have been.

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:36:42

I thought it's not out in Europe yet? I read the iron sight controls are funked up, is that true and is it fixable?

Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:40:19
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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 17:17:28
Agnates said:

I thought it's not out in Europe yet? I read the iron sight controls are funked up, is that true and is it fixable?

I ordered it via post, they usually post 2 days before release to make sure it gets to you on time. Occasionally it comes a day early. Grinning

Iron sights are fine, if you tweak the options. First off get rid of snap to or any sort of auto aim, then tweak the ADS Aim down sights dead zone to make it as large as possible. There is also camera lock by using the Z button but that limits your gun movement into a smaller box.

Gamespy review said:

The game also offers classic and GameCube controller layouts, but they're far too sluggish by default. If you grab a Wii classic controller and take the time to tune the ridiculous amount of options, you'll probably save yourself a lot of headaches in multiplayer. On the other hand, the nunchuk control mode is better for single-player, given how often you need to headshot stationary targets. Either way, you need to fiddle with the controls to get full enjoyment out of any game mode. It's just disappointing that with so many control options, none of the presets are quite good enough without putting in some tuning.

I completely agree with that. The defaults aren't good enough, like in Red Steel 2 or Metroid Prime 3 where you can just select the best option and play, but there are the customization controls to get it just how you want it.

Gamespy review was 4 stars out of 5 BTW.

Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 17:24:06

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 18:24:19

Removing vent covers as shown in some videos is like Batman: AA Grinning

Actually all the stealth mechanics seem to have that simple yet addictive fun element as in that game. Except you don't have the grapple hook but have all sorts of silenced guns and sniper rifles.

They should have left the game bake a little longer though, maybe release it a few months after COD instead of just days before, to add a few more multiplayer modes and improve stuff like the frame rate and some of the dodgier content. But it's reviewing well and seems to be talked about a lot unlike other good Wii games so hopefully it will sell (over a million like the COD games on Wii?) and we'll see more like it, even if no more Bond. Maybe they could take ideas for the Wii COD games, now that they're not ports but all new versions.

Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 18:35:10
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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 19:47:37

I will get Black Ops wii on Tuesday and let you know how it compares. Based on the Reflex port I think it will be pretty good.

So, I should have written impressions earlier when I still had them fresh in my mind but I'll try and remember.

Have you played Dead Space Extraction or seen it in video form? This game has all of that first person performance capture and high production values, only it's not excessive and the gameplay is non-linear.

I played up to the end of the facility level and once you get past the opening area which reminds you of the N64, everything is different. This is a whole new design, not some cash in or some attempt to blatantly copy the level design of the N64 game. And importantly it retains the Bond feeling. I think the game out does COD in the single player. I thanks to a few tweaks here and there, AI, weapons etc.

So despite the game ripping many COD staples like vaulting over objects and running and various indicators and ADS, the tweaks applied here make the game a better single player shooter. Bad guys are not fodder here, you can't just wipe out someone with a couple of shots, some guards for instance will take 4 or 5 pistol bullets before they are put down and Bond is much more resilient than your avatar in the COD games. You wont see a respawned enemy popping through a doorway and putting you down in miliseconds. Bond also seems much more agile, you can leap off walkways and a whole host of other things, making the gameplay feel much more visceral and sometimes tactical in the way you can approach battles.

The AI has brains. Actual brains. The game doesn't mask threadbare gameplay by trying to overload your senses with wave after wave of respawning AI that run towards you or just stand there and shoot. Here the bad guys will run back for cover, they will sometimes run towards it and slide behind cover, or do little N64 like tactical rolls. They will stick to a safe cover spot if you find one. They will run towards you and shoot you close up if they think they have the advantage. There was one bit where I was in this room behind a printer taking fire. I ran up to a glass wall and melee'd it, it shattered and I ran out the exit I had created. I liked that a lot.

There is also a decent cover system, which is descructible and crumbles under fire. You can also do the same to an enemies cover. When you go into ADS when crouched behind cover, Bond pops up just at the right height for you to fire back without losing your tactical advantage.

Also, crucially, it feels like Goldeneye and you can stealthily creep about and snipe bad guys. This is Bond and when not partaking in bombastic firefights you can stealthily move about the levels and snipe people with your silenced pistol, use thermal scopes to pick off unsuspecting enemies and even approach from behind and perform all sorts of motion captured techniques to knock out bad guys.

The two levels I have played so far are huge too, so many shooters on the wii have a limited scope, but the real estate on display here is girthy and substantial. Not just for show either, there are multiple paths and approaches you can take, I can already see myself replaying each level several times over to try out different things.

The visuals look really good most of the time, when they use volumetric fog or weather effects, coupled with moody lighting and motion capture. When those things aren't being used it can look fairly flat in places with some bland textures here and there. There are occasional frame dips, but nothing that should concern you.

The controls are good, the defaults aren't great though so you will have to tweak to get it to your liking. When you do it matches COD REFLEX for controls other than the camera lock feature.

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 20:02:53


Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 20:10:44

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 03:04:10

Hmm, GG you make me want it! Maybe $15 then...

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 10:25:54

Hmmm, the nightclub level was pretty meh.

I now know what reviewers mean when they say the visuals are inconsistent. I'm not sure whether it's just the art of certain bland areas. Like a generic kitchen or a club corridor with purple carpeting. But in these sections it looks very PS2 like with bad texture work.

The level is saved by the intellignet agressive AI and the controls. The gun models though are awfully low res when you zoom into ADS mode. In fact the guns in COD REFLEX are better. There are also lots of machine guns here that all feel the same to use, there is almost no point in swapping out one for the other unless it has a better reflex sight.

The frigate levels starts off on this cruise ship in this boring showroom, I was concerned it would follow on from the nightclub in being another bland looking boring level but you eventually get off the cruise ship and dive into a frigate. The graphics are back to great and the gameplay settles back down to stealth and attack mechanics. Good stuff. I hope the next few levels are more like the Dam and Facility than the club.

One thing that annoys me is the smartphone. You are suppossed to locate specific spots to scan like in Metroid Prime. You get this smartphone indicator when you are near something, but you can't actually move the smartphone about as easily as you can scan in say Metroid Prime. So it feels like you are rooted to the spot when you pull out the device. You are suppossed to look for these tiny little blue lights but they are often hard to spot. Thankfully you can clear out a room of bad guys and then look for what you need but I haven't bothered, just kept on shooting Happy

Edited: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 10:29:56

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 10:57:09


Giant Bomb Review: 4 stars out of 5

Gamespot Goldeneye Wii Review - 8.5! Good reviews all-around, except for that stupid GI one!

Gamespot video review: Goldeneye Wii

Wii Folder video feature: Playing Goldeneye

Vooks review 9/10

Nintendo Life review Goldeneye 007 8/10

ONM review Goldeneye 007 - 90% "It was going to be hard to do the original justice, but this remake does and then some."


Edited: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 11:32:16

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 12:18:45

Mother of..... gah why are so many reviewers using the Classic controller to review Goldeneye? angry


"This is, without doubt, the most impressive Infinity Ward-style shooter on Nintendo's platform. Played with the Wii Classic Controller Pro, you are afforded tight, satisfying control and the huge range of weaponry"

Even the gamespot video review is filmed using it. It just makes my head hurt. These games reviewers haven't tried enough Wii shooters, they come to a review and instead of learning the controls or tweaking the options their first response is to plug in the Classic controller so it plays like 360.

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 15:42:41

Out of hibernation to see that this game is as good as I hoped.smiley

Have to get this soon. And I was just checking the gaf thread - it sure shows you how interested or capable reviewers and gamers are about  wii control. I'm pretty suprised  that so many people cling to the CCP and declare it the best option. Dual Analog over pointer - really?  I wonder if they use mice on computer fps or plug in a controller (even thought they are all pretty much made for controllers now). And people with wii control problems/complaints that most people hashed out the first few months they owned the thing. I wonder for how many gamers  this is their first wii non party game?

I'm not suprised it took this franchise to bring a lot of people to touch their wii's again. They should have been making it years ago. I think with these reviews it will get the best sales of any wii fps.

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 16:58:33


Monkey! Please don't leave again!

I'm back having played Severn-how-do-u-spell-it snow level. Wow, best looking level on Wii? It's a very strong contender. And you then seamlesly go into the bunker which is a completely different design from the N64 game. It's damned cool. This game has gone from maybe it's good, to wow, it IS good. Great even sometimes.

I can probably say from what I have played so far that it is the best single player FPS I have played in a long time.

The snow level has an awesome scope but also lets you stealth about picking people off, very cool. Then inside the bunker there are some snipers with laser sights like in Halo 3. As I lined up a shot on one he turned his sights towards me and the laser caused lens flare just at  the moment I shot him. Wow moment right there. And then there is a night vision part like COD4 which is cool, reminded me more of splinter cell because of the way you can sneak about.

Oh and the melee move with the nunchuk is the best melee move since Halo, it feels completely natural and works brilliantly. If there is some fool in your face a quick chop will butt the gun in his face, but that's only half the story. Because it's been performance captured it has a weight and motion to it that physically connects with you.

Then as the opening camera pan of the archives started my jaw hit the floor. As a Goldeneye fan just seeing the familiar tiling and wall paint sent a giddy shiver up my spine. The actual level wasn't as good as the facility, dam, snow level or bunker but it was great fun, showing that a game doesn't have to have open battlefields and huge scope to be a hugely enjoyable FPS.

Anyhow in the archives as you duck behind bookcases and they (and you) can shoot the books out of the cabinets LOL

And just randomly I saw this statue and I wondered, hey I wonder if I melee that will it.... and yeah, it split into 4 under my fist and crumbled to the floor. Grinning It just goes to show the little things, the attention to detail Eurocom have put in here.

Also the AI is pretty darn smart, as I advanced forward the guy in front of me did a little backwards hop, over the cover point and took up a new position.

This is not just a great Wii FPS. This is a great FPS, full stop. Loving it so far, apart from the club level. It has exceeded my expectations. Oh and headshots work perfectly and so do the controls once you've tweaked them. Ignore any grumbling you see in reviews, that's just the reviewer's folly.

The actual gameplay, if you ignore the level design and visuals, the actual gameplay outdoes COD, the balance between AI and health and weapons and stealth, it all just works and feels satisfying.

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 17:18:34
gamingeek said:

Mother of..... gah why are so many reviewers using the Classic controller to review Goldeneye? angry

Because it's the best control method for that game.

The VG Press

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 17:40:02
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:

Mother of..... gah why are so many reviewers using the Classic controller to review Goldeneye? angry

Because it's the best control method for that game.

No you!

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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 18:12:31

gamingeek said:

Monkey! Please don't leave again!

Heh - sorry. I'm bad for dropping off the face of the earth. I get too tied up in other stuff. I'm sending my wii back for repair the next couple days and I haven't been playing much. Other than minecraft anyway.  Your review has me super excited for this one. I love my stealth play.

Are the controls are very similar to reflex?  I like that leaning is in, I liked that feature with medal of honor. Makes a ton of sense with stealth play. I kind of liked motion being tied to sniping(zooming in/out) and grenade throwing as well but nobody seems to be doing that anymore. Glad melee is motion in this one - it'd be even cooler if it was amped up godfather controls.

The destructible books sounds good - can you do visible damage to ordinary objects in the game - say like res evil archives or just a few things here and there?

And I don't suppose the mutiplayer is world wide?

Edited: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 18:25:37
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Fri, 05 Nov 2010 18:47:10

I got the game and can't get the controls to feel right, help me gg? My main issue is the difference in the camera speed between the deadzone area and when you actually start turning. If I set camera speed too low then turning is too slow, but set too high it messes up my aiming-during-turning. In other games I can more smoothly both turn and aim where I want at the same time, and the more to the side I look the faster I turn so I can do quick turns. Basically, it goes smoothly from no turning in the center, to fast turning all the way to the edges of the screen (or outside them) while this game seems to have a set turning speed that mostly kicks in outside the dead zone and remains at that set speed no matter how much more you turn the remote, as if you've just tilted the analog stick to the max and keep it there, pushing the screen instead of looking around yourself...

I also don't like the difference in turning/aiming speed between normal and iron sight mode. It makes sense to have sniper rifles slower and it feels good and intense, but with other weapons even if I set the same speed and deadzone for both cursor and ADS mode, there's still a big difference they shouldn't have. I end up only using iron sights for certain stealth kills and otherwise just shoot from the hip in gunfights with much higher success rate. Then I only use iron sights again when there are just a couple enemies left and they're behind cover, or if I want to shoot a specific object. I suppose this could be the intention, it makes some sense.

The options I changed are the dead zone to make it smaller, the turning horizontal and vertical speeds to be higher, the cursor speed to be higher, I turned off the ADS snap on enemies and auto aim, I turned off auto recenter, and there's another option which seems to have a big effect in how turning feels, it says it twists the view to where your crosshair is, I've experimented with it on and off and can't get it right regardless though. Also, the cursor movement isn't as smooth and effortless as it is in Prime 3/Red Steel 2 regardless of the sensitivity setting. It's a shame that FPS-wise, only Retro Studios seem to handle the cursor perfectly (RS2 probably has it because Nintendo sent Retro Studios people to help Ubisoft out with the controls if I remember this right).

Basically it feels like they made the controls to feel weighty and realistic with the classic controller and then didn't tweak them to match the pointing controls... If I'm pointing I want to point as fast as I can, not have some weight factor coded in, that feels like lag. It's similar for sniping, it doesn't need to sway up and down, if I'm doing the pointing myself it should only sway if I do, although that's a smaller issue. I like the analog leaning though, I never leaned when I played through Reflex cos it just felt wrong, but here it feels right. I'd use it much more if I could get the controls to feel better for me, since you can only lean with the iron sights up...

But everything else you've said I agree with so far (except the club, I'm not there yet) the stealth and action feels sweet and brings me memories of playing Raven Shield's lone wolf mode and equipping myself with just a sniper rifle and silenced pistol and setting up missions where I need to clear areas from like 30 terrorists. Although this game doesn't go for realism, obviously. I hope that after you finish the game you can play any mission with any weapons you want. The sniper rifle was great but had limited use, having very little ammo and just there for a specific section. I guess otherwise stealth would be too easy and that's why they will only have it for certain areas. And the enemy AI is fun to fight,  the way levels are set up with points of cover that both you and they use as they see fit and how they try to flank you it makes everything more dynamic than the average FPS, not the same every time, it reminds me of F.E.A.R. in that aspect. Games like HL2 don't have that so are boring to replay.

Edited: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 19:51:22
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Sat, 06 Nov 2010 02:19:22

"Games like HL2 don't have that so are boring to replay.:

You mean at all. Nyaa

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