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What game franchises or sequels would you like to see on 3DS and why?
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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 12:51:04

3DS, over the DS at least has a lot of benefits. For me the main benefits are the analogue stick, the upgrade in visuals and of course the 3D top screen.

When I think of some of my favourite DS games, I get excited not only because of the 3D, but because they can't get away with DS visuals anymore and will at least have to match PSP, only it will be in 3D too.

I want Ace Attorney/Phoenix Wright 3DS. Never in my life did I imagine I would own 5 games of the same franchise in one generation. But I look around and realise that I own all five Ace Attorney games and will happily gobble up the sixth when its released. No they aren't the 'best' games but they have an irresistable charm, lovable characters and stories that make playing the games more like watching a favourite season of a TV show.


Hopefully you would get to walk through the environments and investigate them with the 3D effect. And I want voice acting.

Same for this:


I want to be immersed in the games 70s/early 80s world, with cracked walls and ye olde furniture.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:00:40

I want the original Donkey Kong and here's why.  When I have 5 years old, my neighbor whose dad was in the mob had a bunch of arcade games.  Their basement was pretty much an arcade with a pool table, pinball machine, Ms. Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong.  We played DK all the time but I utterly sucked at it. I think it made it to the forth level once.  He wasn't much better, but one time he did make it to the Mud Factory and I was pretty impressed by that.

What I was more impressed about was "the Cherry Pie" level. The Cherry Pie level was a great big pie fight and you had to dodge pies from all over the place, and sometimes pies would actually fly straight at the screen.  Who wouldn't be impressed by that shit?

So years later I finally figured out that my old childhood friend was a dirty lying whore and made the whole thing up. Either that or his brother, who was an even bigger and dirtier liar, made it up.  However, I still like the idea of a pie flying at me as I play a video game.  So I want Nintendo to make a DK game (preferrably a remake of the original) with this new Cherry Pie level.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:24:00

I'd love to play Endless Ocean in 3D too.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:50:21

Any/all. If it's a system I choose to buy, I want to play all games I'm interested in, whether they benefit from its new/specific features or not.

Edited: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:50:41
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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:39:48

i just hope we could avoid the remakes and move straight to the new games for all the franchises they choose to bring to the machine, like paper mario, metal gear etc but maybe it's too much to ask for


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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:06:19

Some of these N64 games in 3D don't wash with me.

That said I would kill for a 3D version of Perfect Dark.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:50:37

Very curious to see how original Kingdom Hearts 3D will be. Looks a lot like the original, but it seems to have a lot of original features in it.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:27:15

I wouldn't mind seeing F-Zero or Sonic.

F-zero 3DS might make your eyes bleed, but it might be worth it. Nyaa

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:51:03

Harvest Moon in 3-D. Who wouldn't want to see fresh vegetables jumping right out of the screen as they're harvested?? Okay maybe not....  Still I could see some cool subtle effects coming from it. Leaves blowing around in the wind.  Bad weather coming out of the screen during hurricanes. Though I suppose the real question should be, does anyone really want another Harvest Moon for a while?

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:54:46

All of them. I would love to see 3D versions of famous franchises. While ports are ok I really would like original games, perferably old school versions of the franchises. RE should be more like the older games not RE4. MGS could be top down again, maybe a remake of the original game. Sonic... just do something good. More Igavanias. More 2D Metroids. They don't have to be hand drawn or anything and it could be a mix of new and old like Other M. What I am saying is I want something different than what I get on consoles.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:43:55
Ogre Battle.  If you have to ask why, it's because you suck.


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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:42:33
robio said:

Harvest Moon in 3-D. Who wouldn't want to see fresh vegetables jumping right out of the screen as they're harvested?? Okay maybe not....  Still I could see some cool subtle effects coming from it. Leaves blowing around in the wind.  Bad weather coming out of the screen during hurricanes. Though I suppose the real question should be, does anyone really want another Harvest Moon for a while?

The biggest innovation Harvest Moon needs is the ability to pay virtual money to a farm hand to water the damn crops. And have an online market where you can meet other dudes and sell them meat and two veg.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:44:26

I know it wont happen, but a GTA game would be cool.

I actually think Sony's PSP2 or phone will be more powerful than 3DS by quite a bit and that if possible the two similar powered viable platforms might encourage more devs to make portable games.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:54:59

Star Fox: The remake is cool, but I want a brand new game in the series--in the SF64 style, of course.

Pilotwings: Yeah, it's been announced, but I don't believe Nintendo. And I won't until I actually see it on store shelves.

Wave Race: Damn well better make a new one, Nintendo!

Stunt Race FX: My favorite racing game on SNES, and it deserves a sequel.

I'm afraid all we'll get are remakes of N64 games, though. Hrm

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:57:39

Stunt Race FX ruled.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:39:26

Sin and Punishment would be another great fit ala Star Fox.

I'd love to see a really good basbeall game in the style of Baseball All-Stars or Ken Griffey Presents MLB.  I love the new games like The Show, but for a handheld I'd like to see something a bit simpler.

Those are weird I know, but it's all that occurs to me right now.

Oh. and Animal Crossing, but they have to do it with seamless online.  And introduce guns.

Edited: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:41:13

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:42:44
gamingeek said:

I know it wont happen, but a GTA game would be cool.

I actually think Sony's PSP2 or phone will be more powerful than 3DS by quite a bit and that if possible the two similar powered viable platforms might encourage more devs to make portable games.

As much as I loved the hand-held GTA's they would have been better on console.

The last thing LAST THING, the 3DS needs is to go down the PSP road of trying to bring home console games to the hand-held market.

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Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:44:08
bugsonglass said:

i just hope we could avoid the remakes and move straight to the new games for all the franchises they choose to bring to the machine, like paper mario, metal gear etc but maybe it's too much to ask for

Dream on  brother.

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Sat, 25 Sep 2010 00:27:17
aspro said:

I'd love to see a really good basbeall game in the style of Baseball All-Stars or Ken Griffey Presents MLB.  I love the new games like The Show, but for a handheld I'd like to see something a bit simpler.

Yes!  The DS has been a desert for baseball games.


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Sat, 25 Sep 2010 16:08:33

Aspro I mean like Chinatown wars.

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