Forum > Gaming Discussion > XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 08:10:11

You two stop reading this thread. Too many spoilers.

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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:30:34
Iga_Bobovic said:

The items will come in handy later.

Questions for you and spoiler for anyone else

Did you get the new Monado Eater art?

Yeah I got that, haven't used it yet.

Now I know what you meant about the story, I can't talk about it or I'll spoil it for Agnates or the Aussie contingent. Curve balls left right and centre. Love the fallen arm area.

They took away a few of my characters at one point so I had all the boys together in one team like the good old days of Colony 9. Felt great, hacking everyone to pieces as 3 tanks.

What's your favourite chain attack combo? I break with Shulk, topple with Reyn then usually dual shot with Sharla, then follow it up with whatever's left - usually a daze move.

Foolz said:


That's like 10-20 "blockbuster" games right there.

This game feels like a real gift at the end of the Wii's lifespan. It's like buying 3 games in one. You can play everyday for a couple of months or more and not be tired, bored or done with the game. Even now 73 hours in and they are still suprising me with new areas, new characters, new plot twists, new moves etc. It's the Ben Hur of games, not epic because of some beefed up protagonist shooting a massive boss, but epic in a real sense - huge, expansive and detailed.

Edited: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 12:06:23

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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:52:18
gamingeek said:

Now I know what you meant about the story, I can't talk about it or I'll spoil it for Agnates or the Aussie contingent. Curve balls left right and centre.

No you don't. Trust me you don't. There will be a twist so twisty it will make your ass bleed.

gamingeek said:

What's your favourite chain attack combo? I break with Shulk, topple with Reyn then usually dual shot with Sharla, then follow it up with whatever's left - usually a daze move.

WTF are you doing with Reyn and Sharla in your party? Get rid of Reyn and replace him with Dunban. And use Melia instead of Sharla. You are not using the chain link effectively GG. You need to use the same colour arts to build up the chain. For instance use red, then red again and your damage increases. Using talent arts keeps the chain going, but it allows you to use another colour without breaking the chain.

I have various chains for various enemies, but I will explain my high damage chain. I start with the back slash with shulk. Then either Dunban's attack that make enemies bleed (a red art) or I use his talent art (four hits) then I release one of Melia's elementals, (which is also her talent art). This is followed by Shulk's Monada buster for lots of damage (the chain is at max now), followed by Dunban's Storm Kick (purple) and hopefully Melia's Mindblast in Available (another purple art). Usually my chain ends then.

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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:10:23

Is there any point in buying gear in this game? They give you so much stuff for beating enemies, whenever I go to buy gear it's always lower powered than what I already have.

My chain attacks work fine, I can get a long combo going. How do you start with a backslash with shulk? When I click to do a chain attack the enemy always faces me which reduces the damage of the backslash.

Melia doesn't seem to have any healing talents, sharla seems to be the only one so I keep her in my team. And Reyn seems to take the aggro off me (Shulk) so I keep them together.


Edited: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 12:04:14

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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 14:39:18
gamingeek said:

Is there any point in buying gear in this game? They give you so much stuff for beating enemies, whenever I go to buy gear it's always lower powered than what I already have.

No, just buy the art books that upgrade your arts, the rest can be found on the field.

gamingeek said:

My chain attacks work fine, I can get a long combo going.

You do not get the damage multiplier. If you keep the chain going by selecting the same colour of arts, you do more and more damage.

gamingeek said:

When I click to do a chain attack the enemy always faces me which reduces the damage of the backslash.

You do that by walking behind the enemy and be sure that there is no aggro on you.

gamingeek said:

Melia doesn't seem to have any healing talents, sharla seems to be the only one so I keep her in my team. And Reyn seems to take the aggro off me (Shulk) so I keep them together.

Dunban is so much better then Reyn. First load him up with agility gems and he will simply avoid all attacks. He deals more damage than Reyn and because he avoids almost all attacks you can leave the healing duties to Shulk. Sharla does a ton of damage and can force a topple.

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Fri, 30 Sep 2011 03:56:45
Iga_Bobovic said:

You two stop reading this thread. Too many spoilers.

If I'm one of the two I'm not really reading anything. I'm compelled to click on any thread with new posts.

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Fri, 30 Sep 2011 09:59:31

I do walk behind an enemy but when I hit the chain attack the enemy flips around to face me. angry

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Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:00:32

I'm on Mechonis field, wow at the music and visuals. I wish the rest of the game looked this good.

It's pretty obvious which areas have been lavished with attention like Frontier village and which have been neglected like the ass ugly Sword Valley.

Love the music too, this area feels like the ether mines central chamber done right.

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Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:04:16
gamingeek said:

I'm on Mechonis field, wow at the music and visuals. I wish the rest of the game looked this good.

It's pretty obvious which areas have been lavished with attention like Frontier village and which have been neglected like the ass ugly Sword Valley.

Love the music too, this area feels like the ether mines central chamber done right.

Sword Valley in not that ugly.

GG a warning after you finish this current area Sword Valley and Galahad Fortess get locked off. Be sure to do eveything there before moving on.

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Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:15:00
Iga_Bobovic said:

Sword Valley in not that ugly.

GG a warning after you finish this current area Sword Valley and Galahad Fortess get locked off. Be sure to do eveything there before moving on.

I thought Galahad was already locked because of what happened at the end?

There don't seem to be many sidequests, if any sidequests in those areas? Or I'm missing something.

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Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:29:39
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Sword Valley in not that ugly.

GG a warning after you finish this current area Sword Valley and Galahad Fortess get locked off. Be sure to do eveything there before moving on.

I thought Galahad was already locked because of what happened at the end?

There don't seem to be many sidequests, if any sidequests in those areas? Or I'm missing something.

Unique Monsters, some suprise sidequests, filling your collectapedia and filling out the map.

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Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:37:26
Iga_Bobovic said:

Unique Monsters, some suprise sidequests, filling your collectapedia and filling out the map.

I'll go back and look, I didn't spot much before. I need to get a gate, gate 3 I think open in sword valley but I don't know how.

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Wed, 05 Oct 2011 17:56:49

Switch is in a building. Activate it and you open the gate.

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Sat, 08 Oct 2011 19:10:52

Melia in Xenoblade

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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:15:02

I went to the top of Mechonis field.


This game is so badass, love the music and the moving gears and stuff. They seem to have locked off galahad and sword valley now.

My inventory is troublesome now. I use the collectopedia, I sell non-star or quest items and I use items to rebuild colony 6 yet still I barely have any room for new stuff.

Sharla is starting to die a lot now, I will have to boost her defence at the expense of  ether. Looking at her stats though, she has a better defence and HP than my Shulk and yet she gets battered so easily? Why?

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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:32:55

Because her tits are hanging out. Why are you still using Sharla?

To answer your question, check your agility stat. Shulk probably avoids more attacks.

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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:46:27
Iga_Bobovic said:

Because her tits are hanging out. Why are you still using Sharla?

To answer your question, check your agility stat. Shulk probably avoids more attacks.

Problem is I have Sharla with three gear pieces which are Unique i.e with unchangable gems. I really need to just use items with slots and fiddle with the gems to raise her stats in the way I want. I also played as Dunban last night as my main character. Holy hell, he performs his arts so quickly, almost double the speed of Shulks. You can just batter people to death fairly quickly.

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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:48:09

Also I have the shades on Dunban.

LOL I can't stop laughing in the cutscenes.

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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 10:51:08

GG you are far enough.

Take a look at this

It is a spreadsheet detailing all the side missions, unique monsters, gifts, secrets etc. There are no story spoilers.

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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 10:54:12
Iga_Bobovic said:

GG you are far enough.

Take a look at this

It is a spreadsheet detailing all the side missions, unique monsters, gifts, secrets etc. There are no story spoilers.

I'll use that for Colony 6. Most of the other stuff I seem to have done by myself.

Some dude on GAF just did the story mode in 60 hrs. He's missed out on so much, I feel sorry for him.

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