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Cursed Mountain GP Monthly review
"You’ll be immersed in a very atmospheric world, driven on by an interesting story"
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gamingeek (8m)
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Wii Music, on the other hand, I will buy eventually. The price has come down significantly, and it is an interesting experiment. I bought Electroplankton, so it's only a matter of time before I get Wii Music too.
Those third-party companies took a gamble that there are gamers on Wii looking for hardcore games. Unfortunately, their gamble hasn't paid off because most hardcore gamers on Wii are only interested in Nintendo's first-party games (like me).
Why compare sales with a 2.6 million selling game? That means it outsold the sucesssful Dead Rising and Lost Planet on 360 by double.
Anyhow, IGN are stupid, Conduit deserved to bomb, Madworld and HOTD Overkill didn't. But sadly there are some gamers who wont buy a 3rd party Wii game no matter how good it is, until it hits rock bottom prices. There's also the fact that those two games were two of the most violent and sweary games out there, some might say extreme or vulger. And one was black and white. The other a lightgun game. When you bring big franchises and T rated content i.e hit the largest potential audience then you can do well.
Anyhow, SEGA have already said that they consider Conduit and HOTD Overkill a success and that the lower cost of Wii development allows them to take more risks. But ignoring these poor selling titles there are many million selling 3rd party Wii games so focusing on the poor selling ones is very selective reasoning.
i'm not being very original when i say this, even sega themselves said it but those 3 games would have a hard time on any of the consoles and their commercial failure is not a result of their not being an audience for mature games on the wii. at least we can't say that yet because there hasn't been a game which would be a surefire hit on 360/PS3 which flanked on wii. in fact series like resident evil, and call of duty even suggest the opposite
i mean, take yourself for example (let's not even discuss the rush portjob that was dead rising wii). you list a valid reason why you didn't buy each of the sega published mature games. none of them are "because the only hardcore games on wii i care for are nintendo games". i think many more gamers with a wii are like you. they didn't see a reason for buying any of those (hard to sell) games but they'd be quite open to buying a hardcore game on wii by a 3rd party if it interested them enough.
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Actually, that's exactly what I'm saying by giving those reasons. None of those games come close matching the quality of most Nintendo's games (IMO), thus I chose not to buy any of them. I'm at the point that if a Wii game doesn't have "Nintendo" written on it, then I'm not going to buy it. The only third-party game that currently interests in the least is Red Steel 2, and it'll most likely be a rental just like the original was back in 2006. I bought my Wii for Nintendo games, and I bought my 360 for third-party games. After nearly three years on the market, third-party Wii games still haven't interested me much, so I think it's safe to say I only care for Nintendo games on Wii.
i'm still confused. i think to say that you won't buy a product if you don't feel it's of high enough quality is different to saying you won't buy a product if it's not made by nintendo regardless of quality.
i understand you have made a correlation in your mind about nintendo games being of high quality and third party games being of lesser quality which to a certain extend is correct (that is why ninntendo/wii owners cannot be blamed for bad 3rd party games not selling well) but i would hope you would be open to quality efforts from 3rd parties on the console. personally i think that overkill and madworld are such efforts but i accept your reasoning for not getting them. there are however other 3rd party efforts which even reviewers have said have nintendo like qualities and production values. to name but a few: de Blob, little king's story, okami, zack and wiki. world of goo, lost winds, boom blox, trauma centre and more. those are quality games
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
And did you know that Super Mario Galaxy outsold MadWorld, House of the Death Overkill, Conduit and Wii music combined?
Your confused? You should be inside my head! Now that's confusing even to me!
De Blob was a charming attempt, but it just didn't hold my attention past a couple hours. LKS doesn't appeal to me at all; same with Bloom Blox. I hate point-n-click games, so Zack and Wiki did nothing for me. Okami has awesome graphics, but the gameplay grew boring after only a few short hours. Trauma Center was only good on DS (IMO). World of Goo and Lost Winds are both great games, but I still haven't finished either, and I doubt I ever will. All of these and more have brought me to a place where I'd rather just put my money on Nintendo in regards to Wii games.
And did you know that Wii Play outsold all of those, including Super Mario Galaxy, combined!
And did you know that Wii Sport has outsold bread and butter combined?
i understand. final attempt:
Bit. Trip Beat and Bit. Trip Core
i must say when i was reading reviews and impressions on these games i thought they were tailor made for you (because of your love for the 2600 and high-score minded frenzied gameplay). one review i remember (for core) said that anyone with a love for the atari 2600 is doing themselves a disservice by not getting the game.
i haven't played either of them yet but i think at 600pts a piece they will likely be some of my next wiiware purchases
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Reggie explains why there is no price drop.
Nintendo of America chief Fils-Aime also offers up numbers to explain why the company is comfortable with the choices it is making.
“The fact remains that we represent about 52 percent of all current-generation home console sales so far this year, and about 44 percent of all current-generation software sold this year, and that’s a total of 29 million units of software,” he says.
He adds that Nintendo is responsible for six of the top 10 selling games so far this year.
“Essentially Nintendo revenues are effectively flat year-on-year, down minus 2 percent,” Fils-Aime says. “Comparatively, the balance of the industry — so our competitors combined — is down minus 23 percent. So clearly our competitors are the ones under pressure to change their tactics through the balance of the year.”
pride comes before the fall. this reminds me of yamaouchi and the dark ages of nintendo and how sony handed them their ass for two generations because of it. scary how quickly they forget
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Reggie was always a cocky bastard. Nothing changed there. Besides all the real decisions are made by mr. Mushroom Head
If you saw the EEDAR chart I posted yesterday you can see how far Wii sales have dropped recentely. Yes, mostly its in line with everyone else dropping but now there isn't much gap. I hope they are thinking of bundles, of colours, of motionplus etc.
I'm interested to know what Iwata meant post E3. After everyone had shown their motion controllers he said something like "They must know that Nintendo will not be standing still" hinting at new technology or ways to play. Wii HD?
Did someone mention Wii HD?
He loves it!
That man makes money out of guessing. A false prophet.
In all fairness, Nintendo will not under any circumstances say, "yes a price cut will be coming soon. This price cut will save you money so don't but a Wii at it's full price right. By waiting a mere month or two you could buy the same Wii and still have enough money left over to buy a new game along with it."
Sony vehemently denied it every time it came up. MS pretty much did too, but they cut the price so often that no one really ever sees it coming. So I won't give them crap for spinning their sales any way they want, but if a price-cut does not come by the end of the year then we can all point and laugh and say, "you guys fucked up!"
Weird, the FFCC website has this chillout music.