Furry Legends DSiWare - first screens, art, detail
Something for the furries
Cursed Mountain GP Monthly review
"You’ll be immersed in a very atmospheric world, driven on by an interesting story"
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Just wanted to offer up a quick review on the new Professor Layton game. Essentially it's more of the same - walking around and solving puzzles while more of the story passes. Puzzles on average do seem harder though. There's a few nice changes in regards to the minigames though. You're not just assembling paintings to access more puzzles and organzing furniture now.
First there's a tea making game where you experiment with different ingredients to make new flavors of tea. Apparently there's a lot of thirsty people out there who badly need tea, but they're not so thirsty that they're still not picky as hell. So occasionally you're given a new ingredient and need to experiment with that. It's fun because it's a little more interactive than the others as your mixing will allow you to progress further with other characters.
Next there's the Fat Hampster game (Happy birthday Raven). You have an overweight hampster and you have to make him walk a certain about of steps to get him to shed some pounds. To encourage him to walk you have to put certain treats and obstacles so that he takes enough steps to lose weight. This is surprisingly fun too.
Finally there's the Camera game. It starts out with you just finding pieces of a camera, but once it's put together you can take pictures of certain screens. Then you compare the picture to the actual screen and start finding differences between the two. When you've found all the differences you'll be rewarded with a hidden puzzle on that screen. Again it's a nice little touch that makes the game a little more interactive instead of just moving from one puzzle to another.
So moral of the story here is if you liked the original you'll like this one too. And if you didn't like the original you're clearly a Neaderthal who should stick to Halo.
Is Diabolical Box actually Prof layton 2?
Yikes at Kingdom Hearts.
yes, but it will be called pandora's box in europe which is a better title.
we've had that "kingdom hearts" photo before ... i remember someone wondering where that guy's hand was.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Pandora box? All these name changes aren't healthy. It confuses the public.
that is the story of pandora very briefly, so pandora's box means something containing evil i guess but it's a much nicer and more literate name that "diabolical box"
pandora's box is also in god of war, but as with everything else that game borrows from greek mythology, it's taken entirely out of context. and itstead it turns Kratos into a giant so he can fight Ares
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
looks very promising
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I wonder what score Gamespot will give it this time?
Okay, you may have got me there. I forgot about those games. I haven't played either of them yet, but they do look very good. I really hope my sister got me a Nintendo Points card today! I'll find out later tonight.
So like a woman she thought that the box contained a new fancy moisturiser and just couldn't resist. Bloody typical.
I bet she can't drive for shit either.
Tons and tons? I saw one in the video and it was like that lava one in MG. Its just like a bonus bit between proper levels right?
I dont like the look of those ship sections, the ship is so tiny.
Gamestop has these Wii Mario Bros Classic Grips for pre-order for $12.99 in four different colors:
It's basically a controller shell for the Wii Remote that works like this:
Seems like an interesting concept.
Can you play New Super Mario Bros Wii with a Classic Controller?
Yeah God of War is totally out of context. Like the sex minigame. Kratos does the nasty with women. But we all know back then the Greeks preferred young men.
Damn you, I expected jumping from planet to planet and not flying around in spaceships. Kind of weird of you saying Galaxy like spherical world, cause I am pretty sure Ratchet had them before Galaxy was released.
This is Nintendo we are talking about!