Square Enix believes Sleeping Dogs has franchise potential
Sleeping Dogs Producer says
Nintendo’s lifetime sales – four interesting facts
Nintendo’s sold nearly a billion DS games alone
Animal Crossing on 3DS WON’T have paid DLC
“that sort of element is absolutely not being added”.
New Super Mario Bros. U Bulletpoint Preview
The P-Wing is Back, the world map is huge
gamexplain.com impressions
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Were more interested in N64 Castlevania games
Dragon Quest VII 3DS Remake: New details, release date
Comes out February 7th, 2013 in Japan
343 Industries Perma-Banning Halo 4 Players
For making sexist comments.
laserlemming.com editorial
Shin'en on Wii U power/ease of use, WiiWare success
Not big news but a lengthy insightful interview
notenoughshaders.com news
Square-Enix to show different' Agni's Philosophy tech demo
June next year, multiple platforms
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robio (3m)
Hmm... I've been hearing about a lot of bugs and glitches with the Rising demo as well. Hopefully the final game is in good shape.
MondoXbox - 10
Joystiq - 5/5 Stars
IGN - 9.8
Polygon- 9.5
OXM - 9.5
Game Informer - 9.3
Gamespot - 9
Eurogamer Italy - 9
MMGN.com - 9
G4TV - 4.5/5 Stars
Eurogamer - 8
Giant Bomb - 4/5 Stars
Kotaku - Play This Game
"Two touch screens. Twice the sensation."
Story in the updates about sexy gaming costumes but no one can make Sonic look good
Wii U NA advert
Zombi U^
Watch in HD, click the cog
I just checked out the website, they have costumes for everything, Bugs Bunny WTF? Minnie Mouse? Hogwarts and more.
I just jacked off for this game.
I'm not too jazzed about Halo 4. I've always felt that whilst good, sometimes very good, every Halo game I have ever played has been overhyped.
As a series with franchise troupes that repeat themselves this worries me:
The 3 big UK sites have given it an 8.0 and two 8/10s. They all agree it's good/great but I believe they are more cynical. I'm sure the platform specific sites/mags will give it more.
I'll have to play it to form a judgement. I've always enjoyed Halo games a lot, and this one has me excited because I want to see what 343 came up with. Impressions vary depending on who is writing them, and honestly I've never felt they match my experience with the games once I get the chance to play them.
I thought Halo 2 was pretty cool btw.
As I said I believe those sites are somewhat more cynical, maybe it's just because I'm British and I am speaking from my personal experience of Halo with regards to that review "It's good at mimicking the bits you remember best from past games".
I feel like that's every Halo game and I've reached saturation point. I liked Reach for instance but sold it and kept 3 because I didn't need it. I don't need more Halo.
That game's reviews and subsequent backlash personify why I'm skeptical about Halo reviews. I've bought every game other than ODST and enjoyed them all, but compared to the reviews I probably would have given them a full point lower than most mega hype sites.
If the game plays out like this:
"Halo 4 isn't just a another Halo; it's the Haloest Halo ever. It's good at mimicking the bits you remember best from past games to make it clear that, Bungie or not, this is the real thing. Level one is all grey corridors like Combat Evolved's Pillar of Autumn. Level two is a remake of the Chief's arrival on the first game's ring, complete with stunning vistas, arbitrary Warthog ride and a trip inside a Forerunner structure. There's a cross between Halo 3's jungle level and CE's 343 Guilty Spark, there's a Halo 2 gondola ride, a giant Covenant vehicle to bring down torn straight from 3's Scarab fights, a version of Reach's Long Night of Solace, and a recognisably Halo finale."
I'll probably be a bit ho-hum on it.
I would fuck Sonic.
Halo 2's online was revolutionary and one of the greatest online games of all time, that alone made it a great game. But the campaign was a travesty