Kojima: "Big Anouncement" Re: MGS Wednesday
Event being held for Peacewalker.
andriasang.com news
Heavenly Sword dev: PS3 3D will be limited
won't reach Avatar-like 3D clarity until next generation.
1up.com news
Marvel vs Capcom 3 To Be Announced Soon?
Says dude who leaked info on SSFIV
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Lead Designer & Lead Engineer Leave Infinity
Wonder where they will end up?
softpedia.com news
Rocket Knight Hard Mode trailer
Thank god for this cause the other video looked very easy.
1up.com media
New Silent Hill game in the works for 360/PS3
Made by some new dev, trailer shows a blond dude... hmmmmm
1up.com news
Tim Tebow Gets Cover NCAA Football
Should make up for him missing the 1st round.
marketwatch.com news
decent sales for Red Steel huge sales for Monster Hunter 3 gonintendo.com news Ravenprose
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robio (4m)
Can't remember exactly what I said a year ago when it was first announced but it was something like - sales will be affected because:
1. It's Cel-shaded
2. It came too late - 3 and a half years after game 1
3. It's a sequel to a game which left a lot of people with a bad experience
4. It's a motionplus exclusive which limits the audience and hikes up the price
Now it's out we can add these:
5. It missed the Christmas sales period, accordingly sales expectations were slashed
6. Where is the advertising?
7. Oh, it's a advert with silly people dressed up as pirates, buried at midnight on niche channels.
Just when I thought the problem was licked.
To give Ubisoft a little more credit, after I posted that last commercial I found out that they launched a new commercial for it last week, and it's actually pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKpeWpQmldQ
According to the source, they're putting it on during WWE (pro-wrestling). So while I think they've got a good commercial now, I don't think they're showing it to the right audience. I could be wrong, but if I were spending their marketing dollars I'd buying up spots on the SyFy network and during some of the anime on late night Cartoon Network/Adult Swim.
As for what I've been playing it has been Metal Gear Solid 4. I'm on Act 5 and near the end of the game. Man is it such an amazing game. It looks gorgeous and is a really intense game both in gameplay and story telling. Kojima is brilliant and you really become invested in the characters.
No, I have not seen it (I did now). But with a complete marketing failure, I do not only mean the marketing of the game, but the very conception of it. Quite frankly Red Steel 2 should never been made, at least not in its current form.
When you make a sequel, you do it to give fans of the original more of what the enjoyed before and less of what they did not like in the original. Red Steel sold a million, but it did not have good word of mouth. But even so it still sold a million, so you should have made a sequel when the iron was still hot.
It is now more then 3 years later and any popularity of the original is just a faint memory. And the sequel has nothing to do with the original. So it is only called Red Steel for marketing purposes, but the original had no good word of mouth and the brand Red Steel is already forgotten.
So people thinking they get more of the same will be disappointed in Red Steel 2 and people that hated the original will be wary of the game, because the first one sucked. And some other people will not buy it because they have no played the original, not realizing they have nothing to do with each other. Should have just been a new IP, would have been a lot easier.
My question is, for who is this game made for?
The original was not good, but it did sell over a million copies (strictly by being a hardcore launch game with an intriguing concept). Personally I would not have called it Red Steel 2, but at the end of the day I don't think that was their biggest mistake. The game is so different looking in style that it still would have attracted a good sized audience I think even with the original's shadow hanging over it. Even as a mediocre game there was still some value in the name and the vast majority Wii owners never touched it so they'd never know just how bad it really was.
Really I think the biggest problem the game had was getting delayed. I'm glad they took the time to do it right, but this really needed to launch closer to the debut of Motion Plus. Nintendo themselves even said that Red Steel 2 was a key component to Motion Plus, and the fact that they didn't release it in a timely manner meant that they did not get Nintendo's full support and that's a big deal. Getting a push from Nintendo is virtually like getting at least 100,000 extra sales, and they missed out on that.
That Impossible Mission article from Eurogamer was quite entertaining. Here's a funny little note about that game.
When Atari was making their big push with the 7800 during the late 80's, they had the rights to Impossible Mission and they were pushing it at one of the killer apps. It was very prominently featured in their commercials for the system. However in typical Atari fashion there was a MAJOR problem with the game. There was a bug in it, that actually made it impossible to beat the game. Something in the game prevented you from finding a disc or a piece of code that was necessary to complete the game. So it ironically became a very appropriately named game.
There. You made me go and post a story to make you cry. I hope you are happy.
In other news, I poisoned myself with some cheap oven-cleaner...
A cross over fighter with characters of 4 different loli hentai series is boring now?
What? I hope you are ok.
I dont even need to read that story, I know what is going on. The launch of Sonic 4 is the biggest mess I have ever seen. The entire game is leaked months before release, the "fanbase" is furious, most laughing at how bad it is, anyone that even says they want to try it gets ridiculed. All the anger and hostility Sonic has created has exploded over this one game cause it promised Sonic 4 and clearly it is not. The thread at gaf is a mess, its crazy.
Whatever, I can't stand many of those people. It's a bunch of people wanting to hate on a game. I dont like what I see, but I have yet to play it. When it is released I will get it and try it and then form an opinion and discuss it, not before, what a concept.
Worst hunter ever, how did he piss off so many animals at once. And why is he aiming at the duck, he is about to be killed.
That's not a duck and clearly the pheasant is the brain of this group. Kill the pheasant and the group falls apart.
It's really shocking how much of that game has been unoffically exposed now. Sega really needs to plug that leak.
Anyway, I've only watched a couple of the videos, and it's easy to tell that the game isn't near finished yet. I'm a little disappointed in the music so far, but that's about it. I too will buy it, and form my own opinion.
It's finished, that is the game...
Ouch, save your money and buy Wii Sports Resort