Deus Ex leaked 20 minute footage
The footage you were not supposed to see. media
Zynga's Frontiersville Hits 5 Million Daily Users
Farmville maker hits another homerun. news
Pac-Man, Bomberman and Higgins Together at Last
In Japan-only cell phone game. news
3DS has Xbox like power but in a handheld?
The smaller screen allows for better looking games? news
3DS Resident Evil Uses MT Framework
"the MT Framework that was developed for use with the Nintendo 3DS to deliver 3D visuals and quality comparable to console systems." news
Aonuma - Twilight Princess was too big
Skyward Sword to be more densely-packed news
10 things you don't know about Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword’s director is former Capcom employee Hidemaro Fujibayashi. He worked on the Capcom-developed Zelda titles Minish Cap news
52 Year-old Invades Home, Demands 360
Brandishes pipe (lead or crack?) news
Weekly Enterbrain Sales Figures
Ghost Trick from Phoenix Wright team sells strong. news
Dead or Alive 3DS Will Jiggle
3D breast physics in our time. It really is 2010. news
You Don't Know Jack Series To Return
THQ to publish, not much else known. news
Games Journo Lashes Out At Gaming Press
It's pretty harsh, but mostly true. editorial
Activision Hesitant to Support Kinect, Move.
Part of the concern lies with the fairly high prices of Move and Kinect news
Metroid Wii made to please old-school Metroid fans
Series co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto assures 2D fans, "this is your game." news
Puzzle Quest 2 1up review. B+
A unique, inventive sequel that far surpasses the original. impressions
Capcom Fan? Time for a Road Trip
Capcom opens seaside store and restarurant. news
THQ Has Two Big Announcements Coming
Says EA and Activision should "start worrying". news
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Leo, it sounds like you've never played any of the Zero games before you played the collection.
I've also been playing it - Easy Scenario is making those games beatable, since by default, they're fucking stupid hard.
No, no, no... I ABSOLUTELY DID!
I wanted to love them back then. I was enthralled by the story, the colorful graphics, the Mega Man action with sword play thrown in...
The controls made it next to impossible! The game was HARD... the controls made it TOO (FRUSTRATINGLY) HARD!
Pressing a shoulder button to swing a sword? Trying to time a jump and fire your gun using a shoulder button? Trying to switch between either using a shoulder button, not having ready access to both cause you have to switch...? The lack of face buttons on the GBA made the game nearly unplayable!
Having the ability to assign the shoulder buttons to the X and Y buttons on the DS. Having both the Gun and Sword readily available on different face-buttons?! It's like an entirely different game now!
It just WORKS!
Not having to concentrate on the controls and being able to pay attention to the action instead makes the game a MILLION times better! I REFUSE to play on easy! Now that I have a fighting chance, I HAVE TO play the games as they were originally meant to be played!
My favorite part of the game is the crazy mansion. I need to replay this one....still can't believe so many journalists thought Okami was a better game.
Love it. The first two dungeons did nothing for me, but starting with the 3rd dungeon - the water one, they just start rolling out amazing labyrinths one after another. They are amazing. Good times.
you mean the Yeti's house? that was my favourite one as well, maybe together with the desert one because of the spinning top item
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It's funny you bring this up. While the E3 hype was still strong I was starting to think, "I should buy Okami-den." Then I watched the trailer and suddenly all the memories of the original flooded back. Those god awful voices. Everytime you had to talk with someone my ears cringed. I can't do it again. DON'T LET THEM TALK!!!
Sure it wasn't my biggest gripe with the game, but that's the one quick smack in the face reminder that makes me say, "I'll hold off on this purchase."
doubt there'll be voices in Okamiden. i'm actually really looking forward to it. i think it'll be more playable than Okami somehow
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The trailers featured voices again, so I think they're back. Maybe it was dubbed over the gameplay but it all seemed very authentic. I think the game will correct the biggest issue of the original, and that was length. Okami was too long. The two halves seemed very disjointed. It felt more like two games rather than one because of that. Just based on the software limitations I think the that problem will be fixed and it won't be more than 15 hours.
That's because you haven't seen my underwear yet.
Just because we know you doesn't mean you can be such a jerk all the time.
I prefer Galaxy 1 so far but I only have 40 stars. On world 4.
360 slim
A listing of the differences between current models of the Xbox 360 and the new black one announced at E3 last week revealed that the new systems would no longer be able to give the Red Ring of Death. More specifically, it lacked the red light around the power button to display the error; it's not that the system is necessarily invulnerable to suffering the issue.
But the new 360s are smarter about trying to avoid a potential RRoD-style death -- if the system isn't properly venting, the power button will turn red and the system will shut itself off in order to avoid any serious damage. It'll display the message you see above (via NeoGAF, Engadget) which explains the situation and informs you that the system can be turned back on once the power light has stopped flashing.
It might be somewhat annoying to have your 360 shut off on you in the midst of a play session, but that still seems highly preferable to ending up with the Red Ring of Death and being unable to play for a few weeks while your system is off at Microsoft being repaired.
Have they indicated how often they think this will occur? Do they still anticipate new 360's overheating a lot or is this just a worst case scenario fail-safe? While this prevention is certainly preferrable to an actual break, I still would still say having your game interrupted is a problem.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Maybe not, but I can try. God dammit I can try.
So if Dvader is the electronic Hilter, than you would be the electronic Chamberlain. Your spineless appeasement policy will cause a huge genocide among casual games. Steel can fill in the role of Musolini and I will be Stalin.
No let's fight.
Hmm. Well it's hard to know yet if this 360 Slim shutdown is going to be a problem or not. It sounds like a good idea. For one thing we don't know how close to the breaking point this kicks in at plus we don't know how hot these Slims can get or how fast when proper ventilation is provided. Supposedly they use 45nm technology so that alone will help keep things cool. A little more time and a lot more use from more people should be more telling.
I'm so getting a slim by this year's end. *rubs penis furiously*
I bought last night Shadow Complex, Trials HD and 'Splosion Man. Fiddled with them for a bit (not diddled, fiddled). Fun games.
"Some IP holders requested Media Molecule NOT remove LBP levels based on their franchises"
Wouldn't you love to know who?
Why does this remind me of a dog food advertisement? Oh yeah that's right, here in Australia there was a long running ad for PAL dog food, that is about "top-breed" trainers who won't stand for anything else -- their dogs requiring more "meaty bone marrow jelly".
Oh please. Grow up. They don't want to start a "we were first" fight do they?
Why Harvest Moon Isn't Gay
Oh please. . . Harvest Moon is totally gay. Riding a unicorn up Brokeback Mountain while listening to Liza Minelli gay.