Xing Interactive: Nextbox will block used games, require online
"Sources insist that the nextbox will not be compatible with 2nd hand, will require permanently on connection, and 'you’ll have to go through Microsoft to do anything'."
Shin'en working on two Wii U projects (one with online)
Jett RocketII release date status
Nintendo Returns to Profit on Stronger Yen
Annual profit of 7.1 billion yen ($72 million). news
Here Comes the Next Xbox - Detailed
standalone version for $499 and then a $299 version that requires a two-year Xbox LIVE Gold commitment at an expected price of $10 per month.
Iwata: U Has "Lost Momentum"
“We have not been able to solidly communicate the product value of Wii U to our consumers yet..." news
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Archangel3371 (8m)
This shit is cray.
^ That's the 1st thing I do every day.
Well, that about does it for Divinity 2. I tried pushing my way through the main quest anyway since the flying fortress shit is unbelievably boring and mundane anyway. I reached the last bit of the 4 missions in the Halls of Echoes questline, the one called "Come to no Harm". Shit.
First, the framerate gets screwed up to high heavens upon reaching Aleroth, laughably bad for a game this old. I had similar issues at the beginning of the game, but managed to mostly fix them with some minor tweaking. This time it's beyond repair. Unplayable even.
Then the actual mission involves you having to protect some old fart from demons for enough time to get some portals closed. At first, it's a matter of 15 seconds, but of course in the end you need to stop every fucking demon in the universe from even touching the old dude for a whole fucking minute. The game spawns hordes of them and they all go directly towards the old fart, and they come from several directions. When he gets hit, he starts the spell again while saying the same stupid shit over and over, season that with atrocious framerate. I spent almost an hour trying to complete that before rage quitting.
I'm done with this one. I really wanted to like it, and for a while I did. It shows good stuff but by the time you reach the latter portion of the game the bad shit outweights the good so much it's not even funny. Game's a technical mess, its core gameplay elements are rudimentary and simplistic, for a semi open world game it asks for a shitload of backtracking, flying combat is boring, it pads out content with meaningless stuff and the only good things going for it (dialogue, lore, story, most of its quests) get absolutely drowned in shit design decisions. I cannot recommend this game to anyone in good conscience, even though at the beginning of my playthrough I would have said the opposite.
I can only hope Larian will show better stuff with their kickstarted game because this shit really soured up what could have been a great game.
I guess now is as good a time as any... What did I play this weekend... Other than Marketing Director for Atlus and Vanillaware? Not too much really. I had a bit of a breakdown first thing on Saturday and got rid of a crap load of games and then sporadically played things like:
What about you, Party Animals?
I am absolutely miserable at work this weekend. Luckily, I've played some Sleeping Dogs and Bowsers Inside Story to help get me through. I so want this nightmare to end.
How's the baby doing?
Played a bit more of BioShock Infinite just now. You know what I find to be one of the most striking things about the game?
The sound, believe it or not... From your footsteps on the wooden floors to the sounds of your gun shots to the crackle of the audio on the Voxophones and Kinetoscopes. It's all so well done!
Finished Serious Sam 3, Bully and The Walking Dead.
Started and quit Cursed Mountain.
Started Alan Wake, and I think this morning I'll start Resistance 3.