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SupremeAC (9m)
Hey Splatoon 3 happened but 2022... I don't get why there are almost no new Nintendo game releases. BOTW2 sounds like it's not close to coming.
Guess I'm paying $60 for SS again... 10 years later, woo.
Yeah very nice to see that Legend of Mana remaster.
The Game Pass article is a really good (and long) read. It doesn't delve too deep, but deep enough to debunk fears of the service getting a price hike once it's big enough. It also sheds some light on how devs get paid.
Yeah, seems we're in for a good ol' fashioned Nintendo drought. At least this time there's still ports of games from games that are long available on xbox and PS as well as ports of old Nintendo games to tide us over.
Remember how we hoped to have seen the end of these droughts as Nintendo moved away from separate game development for console and handheld to the unified Switch platform? I'm not seeing it at the moment.
Might be it's subjective though, as they do crank out a lot of smaller titles in between big releases. I just wish they'd return to some of their dormant franchises instead of yet another Kirby or Yoshi game.
Saw some trailers from the direct. All solid stuff, but very safe. Wanted something suprising and new. Splatoon 3 is too far off. I was hoping for a BOTW2 trailer. Nuthin. Very pleased with SS HD, wanted to play it again but not in sub-HD blur shit. Looks great in HD too. Mario golf will get a lot of play. Used to play again my brother on the GC and N64 one.
Almost recovered from covid 19. My physical capabilities are reduced. I can't do the things I used too without running out of lung capacity.
Some tips if you are every unfortunate enough to catch this shit:
Good to hear that you’re doing better there GG. Good lord that sounds terrible.
Yeah some good stuff coming from them. I do hope that they keep the working title, “Project Triangle Strategy”.
Anyone tried the Project Octopath teams new game demo? Project Triangle? Demo is up
That's fantastic news, GG. Hopefully you regain your lost capacity swiftly!
Haven’t tried it yet but I did download it last night. I also downloaded Capcom Arcade Stadium and tried that. You get 1943 free along with Ghosts ‘N Goblins which you need to download separately. Played some 1943. Really dig the whole layout and stuff of it. Quite a few games you can get from the three packs and you can purchase all three packs at a bit of a discount from buying them individually.
There's a pretty good sale going on on the Switch eShop. Lots of indy titles that are seeing rather large discounts, and not only old stuff. If it weren't for GamePass I'd definitely have bought some games.
Did anyone read the gamepass article? Biggest take-away is that they need about 50 million subscribers to be sustainable, which is definitely within the realm of what's possible. Furthermore there's the risk that these subscriptions will become such a large part of the market that they'll influence what games are being made, as we're seeing happening with video content on Netflix, where it's big data that will determine of a series gets continued or not. This seems less a risk with games, but the future will tell.
Since I have the capcom beat em up collection, and I still want other Capcom arcade games like the Punisher, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Aliens vs Predator and the Xmen scrolling beat em up I'm a little disappointed in this new collection and its sale format. I'd like to be able to just choose my games individually. There's a lot of stuff I have no interest in.
Yeah it’s unfortunate that you can’t pick out what games you want individually. I also have the Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Collection, although foot the Xbox One not the Switch, and the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, both on the Xbox One and Switch, so there’s definitely some ones in this that I already have. However for what it’s worth there’s some aspects and features in Arcade Stadium that aren’t in the other collections that make this package worth it for me.