It hurts so bloody much. For two weeks to be made to feel like Fred Astaire. To have hopes, even dreams for a life less lonely ... for an existence less futile.
Then to be told in no uncertain terms that you can never be more than "just friends".
It hurts so much, to want something so bad, something you can never have.
PS Sorry to be heavy.
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robio (9s)
i can't, which is why this is so hard. despite the ways in which i believe i was hard done by, i have nothing but abiding love
The after party can be more painful unless you gird your heart up. Nothing worse than being stuck in friend mode with everything you want, just out of reach.
true words of wisdom there. easier said than done for me at this point though i understand it's what will need to be done
We need some man ass.
Will I do?
I was specifically thinking of you.
What the fuck people, Bugsy is hurt and all you guys say is that you feel sorry for him?! Bugsy has no need for that, he needs a solution.
Fear not my dear Greek buddy, the God of Justice has a solution to all your problems.
First you stalk here. Pay attention to all the guys she looks at. Then quickly eliminate each and every one of them. Keep doing this, do not miss a single guy. You might not know this, but women have urges too. So after she is really horny, she has no choice, but to come to you. She will beg for you. Look at here, put on an arrogant smirk....
and whisper No!. Be sure to not show any emotion during this. Now she will feel rejected. You shall have your revenge. Then fuck her mother.
For real, Bugs unless you really do want her as just a friend just stop hanging out with her. It will never work out as long as you are friends. Leave her, do your own thing, if its meant to be she will come back looking for you.